Market theory - page 57

Alexander Laur:

I don't understand you. Do you have a theory or are you just trying to create one?

If you have one, then publish it. Then we will begin to test it in practice and discuss it.

If the theory is not ready to be published, then what is the point of this whole topic? What do you want to discuss if there are no definitions, no laws, and no concepts of this theory?

By the way, how does your theory agree with Bohr's correspondence principle?

The Bohr correspondence principle (BCP) is strung not only with the proposed, scientific public, this theory of the market, but also with all my developments in various fields of science and technology, as, briefly, I cited here, therefore, this theory, by definition, cannot fail to correspond to the BCP noticed earlier by Lobachevsky. Since the BVP is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the correspondence of the old and new theory, " Experience has the last and decisive word in establishing the truth of the theory. Experience , however, comes in a double form: as new experience which contradicts the old theory and as old experience in which the old theory is in agreement. Therefore the new, more general theory must be in accordance with the old theory under proper conditions . On the other hand, the new theory must satisfy all the data of the new experience.Thus the creation of a new theory is always a contradictory process, and in this sense S. P. is the manifestation of the law of negation of neg ation in the sphere of cognition. (from the reference above).

I, from the beginning of the topic, show and tell that the results of the theory completely coincide with the classical representation of profit, both in results and in the rigour of the mathematical apparatus describing profit (the so-called Kuznetsov's requirement of the correspondence of the mathematical apparatus). The correspondence of actual and calculated profit values is repeatedly shown by me in the form of screenshots, which clearly show the correspondence of actual (red dots) on the background of the blue calculated profit curve, e.g. here, which shows that the sufficient correspondence condition - namely the confirmation by experience and practice of the new theory application - is met.

Based on the irrefutable facts and compliance with the PSB, I assert that, the new market theory is DONE. The task of my opponents is to disprove this claim, but I am not sure they will ever be able to do so.

  • Под редакцией Ф. В. Константинова
СООТВЕТСТВИЯ ПРИНЦИП СООТВЕ́ТСТВИЯ ПРИНЦИП специфич. форма преемственной взаимосвязи старых и новых теорий, гл. обр. в области физико-математич. наук. В наиболее общем виде С. п. гласит: теории, справедливость к-рых установлена для той или иной предметной области, с появлением новых, более общих теорий не устраняются как нечто ложное...
Yusuf, thank you for being there!))
Dmitriy Skub:
Yusuf, thank you for being there!)
Thank you, Dimitri, for the assessment and in turn, I will say that the motto you follow: "Keep faith in yourself" is the best fit for me in the current situation. Thank you.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Thank you, Dimitri, for your feedback and in turn I would say that the motto you use, "Keep faith in yourself", is the best adapted to me in this situation. Thank you.

In fact, I'm not being facetious. Because there are very few people who try to create something new that hasn't existed before them. Few people use their brains to think (create) - that's how the brain works.


Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

thenew market theory is DONE.

Alexander Laur:


The theory has been created.

I will wait for its description and the article.

I join in.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

No, I'm sure of what I said.

On reflection, I have come to the conclusion that you are right in a sense, Yusuf!
So let's assume we have a price at a certain level. Who moves it in which direction and by what means? I think the main "big" players are present in the market only through limit orders. Let's assume that the support level is 50 pips lower and the resistance line is 50 pips higher. Who stands at those levels? Who generates them? Resistance is formed by limit orders of sellers (bears). Support is formed by limit orders of buyers (bulls). So if you look at the question from this angle you are absolutely right! But if you look at the problem from a wider angle - here you can add stop orders of the opposite side and market orders. It's much more complicated than that... Well let's say a hapless bull trading market orders may be inherently a bear - when his stop order is triggered the price will be sent even lower ))
Daniil Stolnikov:
On reflection, I have come to the conclusion that you are right in a sense, Yusuf!
So let's assume we have a price at a certain level. Who moves it in which direction and by what means? I think the main "big" players are present in the market only through limit orders. Let's assume that the support level is 50 pips lower and the resistance line is 50 pips higher. Who stands at those levels? Who generates them? Resistance is formed by limit orders of sellers (bears). Support is formed by limit orders of buyers (bulls). So if you look at the question from this angle you are absolutely right! But if you look at the problem from a wider angle - here you can add stop orders of the opposite side and market orders. It's much more complicated than that... Well let's say a hapless bull that trades market orders may be inherently a bear - when his stop order triggers, the price will be sent even lower ))
Thanks for the insight. Your reasoning is correct. If, at a given point in time, Lion and Leopard decide that, to meet the breakeven condition around the upper level, they produce a control signal-command to Tiger (Bulls) to retreat to a new calculated price level, Which, is perceived as a price correction. The Leopard and the Lion, being the controllers, produce this signal by changing their virtual levels, doing the will of the Panther and the Antelope who, in turn, are guided by the Devil who assesses the working capital of market participants and the Queen (elasticity) who identifies the type of market (monopolistic or competitive) and trading intensity, which are informed by the current price. Tiger issues a price reduction command The cycle is closed. With the appearance of a new tick, automatically, the mechanism is restarted
Alexander Laur:

It is advisable to leave the animals alone and try to express your reasoning in common terms:

- liquidity provider (limit orders in the Buy Limit / Sell Limit stack );

- Buyers (Buy Market);

- sellers (Sell Market);

- an order flow( Buy/Selltrade orders ):

a) imbalance towards buying;

b) an imbalance to the sell side;

c) Equality of flows.

I support! It's too abstract!!! Mush in the head!!! Antelopes only bounce ))
Alexander Laur:

It is advisable to leave the animals alone and try to express your reasoning in common terms:

- liquidity provider (limit orders in the Buy Limit / Sell Limit stack );

- Buyers (Buy Market);

- sellers (Sell Market);

- an order flow( Buy/Selltrade orders ):

a) imbalance towards buying;

b) an imbalance to the sell side;

c) Equality of flows.

Seconded ! I can't get the zoo into my head either :)
Alexander Laur:

It is advisable to leave the animals alone and try to express your reasoning in common terms:

- liquidity provider (limit orders in the Buy Limit / Sell Limit stack );

- Buyers (Buy Market);

- sellers (Sell Market);

- an order flow( Buy/Selltrade orders ):

a) imbalance towards buying;

b) an imbalance to the sell side;

c) Equality of streams.

Sustained. It would be unseemly to have such a zoo in an academic article. Academic economists and financiers can only laugh at that. Before you introduce new terms in the article, you should think carefully and use the existing terms as much as possible. In the meantime, don't distract Yusuf from his work. Let him finish his wording and prepare the article.

P.S. Yusuf, you have entered the terms normally at the beginning and from the name itself it was already clear what they were. For example: breakeven top level, breakeven bottom level, optimum price, current price, etc. And now you have to remember or decipher what each cliché means. Only bears and bulls can be left out of the beasts - they are common terms and do not raise any questions. You just need to understand them well and use them correctly.