a trading strategy based on Elliott Wave Theory - page 183

<br / translate="no">Tovaroved 06.12.06 20:28

Score! the author is on fire!

But in such cases, if you can't think of it yourself, I launch Yandex.dictionaries, and for sorcas - sokr.ru

Apparently your sokr.ru does NOT show up for the word "afftar"!!!
Check it out for yourself: http://sokr.ru/?text=%E0%F4%F4%F2%E0%F0&where=descriptions

They are still not the right kind of Internet jargon since everyone can perceive them in his/her own way. And why participate in their dissemination is completely incomprehensible!
Yeah, I like this dictionary better for some reason:

2 Tovaroved

Since you're not replying there, I'll ask you here.
Do you really use dynamic symmetry or phyllotaxis geometry in forex somehow or did you post that link just for fun?
Yuri, what are the links? Can I see them?
Tovaroved wrote (a):<br / translate="no"> and if you want some food for thought, here's one, for example...
It looks like your sokr.ru is NOT showing the word "afftar" after all!!! <br / translate="no"> Check for yourself: http://sokr.ru/?text=%E0%F4%F4%F2%E0%F0&where=descriptions

They are some kind of Internet jargons, since everyone can take them in his own way. And why you should participate in their dissemination is completely incomprehensible!

Please, next time, get your facts straight before you start talking like that.
It's like a demonstration of ignorance...
I understand that you do not like the topic, but you could have posted on a more useful one... it would have had more effect...
(If only you had bothered to read the dictionary entry itself ;) )
2 Tovaroved Since you don't reply there, I ask here.
Do you really use dynamic symmetry or phyllotaxis geometry in forex somehow or did you post that link for fun ?

These are quite viable approaches and formalisations. (but not the only ones).
that is, as far as i'm concerned, pricing is essentially a special case of phyllotaxis.

i use some of the ideas from there, and some of the formulas, and i don't understand a lot of it yet, but that's not important,
what's important is that there's no point in trying to copy someone else's...
you see, each of us is unique: life experience, education, upbringing, etc.
and everyone has their own unique abilities. I believe that only they can help to choose the path that is closest to them.
I think they are the only ones who can help you choose the path that lies closest to you.
just don't think that in a week or a month or three you'll know everything. look at the way it was laid out! the aim was so-and-so, the approach was so-and-so... Bottom line: the result is achieved. let's move on to the next task....
Yeah, for some reason, I like this dictionary better: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Жаргон_падонков

Yes... it looks like it was written by someone who knows a lot about the subject...
2 Tovaroved Поскольку Вы не отвечаете там, спрашиваю здесь.
Вы действительно как-то используете динамическую симметрию или геометрию филлотаксиса на форексе или поместили ту ссылку ради прикола ?

these are quite viable approaches and formalisations. (but not the only ones).
that is, as far as I'm concerned, pricing is essentially one of the principles of phyllotaxis.

I use some of the ideas from there, and some of the formulas, and I don't understand a lot of it yet, but that's not important,
the important thing is that there's no point in trying to replicate, I mean, copy...
you see, each of us is unique: life experience, education, upbringing, etc.
and everyone has their own unique abilities. I believe that only they can help to choose the path that is closest to them.
I think they are the only ones who can help you choose the path that lies closest to you.
just don't think that in a week or a month or three you'll know everything. look at the way it was laid out! the aim was so-and-so, the approach was so-and-so... Bottom line: the result has been achieved. let's move on to the next task....

Thanks for the reply. I am referring to the first 2 lines of your post.
Special thanks for the moralizing. I mean everything else.

I think you too would do well to understand the subject before you write anything.
By the way. The person you were referring to is not called gasp but grasn.
Thank you for your reply. I am referring to the first 2 lines of your post. <br / translate="no"> Special thanks for the moralizing. I mean everything else.

Sorry, I was in a hurry. I get such funny typos sometimes...

I also misspelled one word in the second line :(
Corrected. It should read "private case". (I was thinking how to say "based on principles" or something else, but ended up with something incoherent. )
and it's not a moral thing and I'm not an educator at all.
I was just trying to summarise the subject as much as possible.

If you want to play around, you may take the grids from the article and attach them to graphs.
If you want to play with it, you can take the lattice from that article and attach it to charts (by the way, I was making a script, but now I don't have time to look for it.)
And in general, you don't need to know all the theory to trade well.