Calling functions from the dll and returning results - page 7

to VicK, в амперсанде вся суть, благодаря ему я собственно и могу менять содержимое массива...
второй массив - массив с возвращаемыми значениями

In this case there is no point in ampersand (just tried it myself), and you can change the contents of the array thanks to something else :-). Did you look at the DLL example in the samples directory? Everything works fine there. Do it by analogy.

yeah, probably....
but still, why everything works with basic int's, but double, at the same time, doesn't eat?
yeah, i finally cracked something open....

found what billy says is not a bug but a feature... :)

it appears to be a side effect that is not a bug per se....
but i couldn't find any mention of this anywhere....

the point is, if an array is set as an index buffer(SetIndexBuffer()), it cannot be "changed from outside" .... :(

though I would like it very much....

What's the point of adding one more loop to copy arrays...
with such features, a little more and there will be no reason to use external .dll as an attractive productivity enhancing alternative for "time consuming" tasks.......... :(

Still, I would like to hear from developers,
maybe let's fight for performance and not for imaginary security
<br / translate="no"> In this case there is no substance in the ampersand (I just tried it myself), and you can change the contents of the array thanks to something else :-). Did you look at the DLL example in the directory? Everything works fine there. Do it by analogy.

according to the doc, the ampersand is precisely the key role, if we want to change the contents of an array within a called function (ala without & - value passing, with & - by pointer (more precisely by reference, if we use c++ analogy))
Still would love to hear from the developers.

:-))) yes.... i would like to, especially me...
Maybe let's fight for performance rather than perceived safety.

not bad... I'd like to fight for a proper integration without any experts... MQL may be good, but C++ is better...
mql is good too, should be a quick and easy way to check something or build something which is not too "greedy" .....

but thoughtful support for external modules should be there too, hopefully it will come to that...