FORTS Please help - page 24


Mikalas, Privalov has done nothing to improve Metatrader, and he won't - but you will! He, after the next ban, will change his nickname to a new one and continue having fun. And when you get banned - you will go from call to call . We'll just lose another fighter. I do not really want that, frankly )))).

In fact, over the past year and a half, MT's rivals have become more sophisticated.

Are you so sure about this? But I don't think you'll be able to smear me.

There are rankings and you can look, I was doing MT better, and I was catching a lot of bugs. I wrote codes and put them out into the public domain. And worked on MT when these ratings were not even a mention (and if I was here on the forum for the last 5 years, I would catch more), so that

1. Don't lie.

2. You started talking about advertising here... No problem.

Find out where you can get free tumblr history and reproduce it. I will only use the program (that you point out) to show the right information, to teach forum members how to build a proper arbitrage. I have to do this to show certain things and trading ideas. Unfortunately MT is not able to do this (reproduce the history of the market), if the developers make such a function in MT, it will be great and great. All will benefit from it...

So do not say that I do not make MT better. There are simply bugs that can be fixed in 5 minutes, and there are ideas, the implementation of which would require a lot of effort, time and huge changes in the code.

Many participants of this forum are here because of a desire to build TS that brings stable profit, to find such a trading idea (and not to capture next bugs, it happens by the way). Same HFT (arbitrageur) - the slightest inaccuracy in its work and you, instead of earning your 3 kopecks, are losing with great speed, this is HFT. And I need a history of tumbler to show these nuances ... Give me another software, I will use it only, if MT5(6) can do it, I'll use only its functionality ...

I don't have any advertising in those posts, it's an attempt to make MT better and to provide traders with some information that may help them in building the next TS.


The barricades are your perception of the situation. I do not see these barricades. I only see unnecessary squabbles.

But I'm all for constructive. And it does not matter from whose side.

Thanks to this "dude", MT5 is a lot faster. Just off the top of my head, I found 1, 2.


Just because of him?

Well then take a look at this, maybe you are not aware of it

2011.12.23 13:00:11<<< == Buy USDCHF at price: 0.93633, volume: 0.06 has been successfully executed, Ticket #7335383 in 1 request(s) == >>> 2.668 sec delay.

Time of order execution was 2.6 seconds. And the EA was directly on the server. The Championship is in 2011. And I pointed out to the developers that such a time of request execution is not acceptable. And it needs to be worked on....

So who contributed more?


So who contributed more?

Mikalas ))

And I have pointed out to the developers that this kind of turnaround time is not acceptable. And it needs to be worked on....

So who contributed more?

I do not know, you tell developers that it needs to work))))), and Mikalas explains everything in detail, in clear lines. ButMikalas explains everything in detail, breaks it down into small modules, tests it on his live account - and then he begins to achieve perseverance (he also sometimes gets into a sauna, but less frequently). And he puts it all in his service Desk .

And you Sergei write in servisdesk?


Stop it. There is no need to prove anything to anyone. It makes no sense!

It's not about proving it, it's about sharing information. And not to erase it like some people do here.

The server asks if I also wrote to the servicedeck. Yes I did and he can go to this link and check

Specifically on that request (as far as I remember), after a while appeared asynchronous access and the application closed

I hope he will also kindly share a link to software that can reproduce the tumblr history and it won't be an advertisement.

Even the hell with it with ads, as long as it reproduces the history. I'll use it and send everyone who doesn't like it to this post...


I.e. we are talking about a special case, the indicator requesting the history of other symbols on the low-liquid instrument. If the problem is in time series unloading from memory by timeout, then it should be solved.

There are two ways to do it:

1) increase frequency of data accesses (use timer event or custom events),

2) completely eliminate the unloading of the timeseries cache (chart or indicator by timeseries).

The indicators work correctly, i.e. "as designed". I will briefly repeat the essence. There are peculiarities of the performance of indicators, associated with the architectural solutions of the platform. These features must be known and taken into account in programming. The questions of access to the history data are described in details in the Help: organization of access to the data.

Your wishes are heard and answered. Indicators will not make synchronous requests, i.e. approach "I called the function here, let it return the data, I know for sure it is there" works only in Expert Advisors. Obviously, this complicates the program code in your particular case, but it is a compromise, a payment for saving resources.

And you are sure that your function SymbolIsSynchronized() works correctly on the"long" futures (HYDR-9.15, GBPU-9.15)?

int LoadServerData( const string a_symbol, ENUM_TIMEFRAMES period, const datetime start_date, const datetime end_date  )
  fail_cnt = 0;
  while ( fail_cnt < 10 )
    uint start_tick = GetTickCount();
    if ( SymbolIsSynchronized( a_symbol ) )
      //Print( "LoadServerData: Символ синхронизирован." );
      return( GetLocalData( a_symbol, period, start_date, end_date ) );
      SeriesInfoInteger( a_symbol, PERIOD_M1, SERIES_SERVER_FIRSTDATE );
      while ( !CheckTimer( start_tick, 100 ) )
  //Print( "LoadServerData: Не удалось загрузить историю с сервера!" );
  return( 0 );
bool CheckTimer( const uint start_value, const uint per_value )
  uint end_value = GetTickCount();
  if ( end_value < start_value )
    if ( ( start_value - end_value ) >= per_value ) return( true );
    if ( ( end_value - start_value ) >= per_value ) return( true );
  return( false );

10 times 100ms ( 1000ms) returns false

Server does not have this data?

The indicator itself is "indignant" when the interval is set to 1000ms :)

That's how long it took for the symbol to synchronise:

2015.04.14 14:13:27.435 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:13:36.546 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:13:37.654 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:13:48.932 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:13:50.040 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:14:03.393 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:14:04.501 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:14:05.609 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:14:09.369 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:14:10.476 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:14:11.584 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:14:12.692 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:14:13.799 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:14:14.907 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:14:43.362 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:16:44.433 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:16:54.589 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:17:04.745 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:17:04.745 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     indicator is too slow, 10155 ms. rewrite the indicator, please
2015.04.14 14:17:14.900 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:17:34.229 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:17:44.385 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:17:54.540 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:18:04.696 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:18:14.852 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:18:25.007 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:18:35.163 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:18:45.318 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:18:55.474 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:19:05.630 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:19:15.786 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15
2015.04.14 14:19:25.942 Spread (ED-6.15,M1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу ED-9.15

Are you sure that your SymbolIsSynchronized() function works correctly on"far" low-liquid (HYDR-9.15, GBPU-9.15) futures?

10 times 100ms ( 1000ms) returns false

Server does not have this data?

The indicator itself is "indignant" when the interval is set to 1000ms :)

That's how long it took for the symbol to synchronise:

and asked what posts like.... that's right./....

And this much, by oil (10 times 20ms 5 attempts for each OnCalculate() )

2015.04.14 15:06:47.421 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не скопированы тийминги по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:06:48.482 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:06:48.654 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:06:48.825 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:06:50.355 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:06:52.274 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:06:52.445 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:06:52.617 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:06:53.256 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:06:55.347 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:06:57.702 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:06:57.874 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:06:58.045 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:06:58.217 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:06:58.388 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:06:58.560 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:06:58.732 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:06:58.903 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:06:59.075 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:06:59.246 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:00.354 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:01.711 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:01.883 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:02.491 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:02.678 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:02.850 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:03.021 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:03.193 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:03.365 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:03.926 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:04.098 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:04.301 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:06.718 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:08.248 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:11.805 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:11.976 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:12.148 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:13.989 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:14.160 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:14.332 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:14.503 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:14.909 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:15.081 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:15.252 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:34.518 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:34.783 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:36.530 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:37.108 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:37.981 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:39.104 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:41.117 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:46.687 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:47.279 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:48.730 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:50.430 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:07:50.602 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:08:24.236 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:08:31.349 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:08:34.595 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:08:40.039 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:08:40.366 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:08:42.332 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:08:42.660 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:08:42.987 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:08:44.531 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:08:44.859 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:08:45.187 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:08:45.514 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
2015.04.14 15:08:47.823 Spread (BR-6.15,H1)     OnCalculate: Не получены бары по символу BR-7.15
Ind_test.mq5  13 kb

Good afternoon!

Has anyone tried the embedded code?

Are the results the same, or is it just me?


I've been digging through my complaints to Service Desk and it turns out

Функция SymbolIsSynchronized(aSymbol)

Ошибки, MetaTrader 5 MQL5, Открыта, Начата: 2013.05.12 19:36, #746678

 Описание проблемы

Функция SymbolIsSynchronized(aSymbol) работает не корректно