FORTS Please help - page 23


He'll be swinging his sword till morning!

I have insomnia (no way arrive I can't count), and tomorrow (today) he's in the glass...

This is a very difficult task. To calculate what is impossible and/or does not exist.


You, "dear", are now --> NEVER going to get out of here!

P/S This maniac, got into another thread.

Fellow Privalov friends, think about who you're dealing with!

I see you don't like Pushkin either .... At least learn to pee without mistakes. Maybe not arrive it's not Profit?

You should write it in capital letters, or they might not see it. You have only shown your losses so far (in the form of taxes) and erased them at once :-).
Are you ashamed of yourself?


This is a very difficult task. To calculate what is impossible and/or does not exist.

I see you don't like Pushkin either .... At least learn how to spell without mistakes. Maybe not arrive It's not profit?

You should write it in capital letters, or they may not see it. You have only shown your losses so far (in the form of taxes) and erased them at once :-).
Are you ashamed of yourself?

From the experience of Fools 2:

Once you have stepped on a rake, you should not repeat this unfortunate experience twice.

The result can be far more fatal than the first.

Want to check it out?

P/S Just imagine the guys' bellies churning with laughter at you!


Mikalas, Privalov has done nothing to improve Metatrader, and he won't - but you will! He, after the next ban, will change his nickname to a new one and continue having fun. And when you get banned - you will go from call to call . We'll just lose another fighter. I do not really want that, frankly )))).

In fact, it seems to me, over the past year and a half, MT competitors have become more sophisticated


Mikalas, Privalov has done nothing to improve Metatrader, and he won't - but you will! He, after the next ban, will change his nickname to a new one and continue having fun. And when you get banned - you will go from call to call . We'll just lose another fighter. I do not really want that, frankly )))).

Indeed, it seems to me that over the past year and a half, MT competitors have become more sophisticated

Thanks for the tip, I had not thought about the BAN....

And indeed, it's sacrilege to "rub" a corpse...


Oh, yeah, sorry about that. Really to the C-4. Mistakes have to be acknowledged.


Prival Two:

Well I think it'll be interesting for you, you get banned for being constructive here and almost forever.

That's for the tick story. I wonder for the history of the glass, for how many years they send

I've read all the tick threads (that haven't been taken down), including those involving you. Both on 4 and 5.

And I don't think you quite understand why you were banned...

There are 2 facts to consider:

1) There is a huge difference in the number of users of MT and any other terminal.

2) You need to trade - and you need Level 2 history to trade. And the developers need to sell MT and maintain their software product.

You tried to explain that without ticks no one will need the terminal.

You have tried to explain (at first - very, very culturally) that introducing tick history for MT users (at that time) is technical suicide. That the tick history (!) is needed by a negligible part of users, etc. etc. You didn't listen and kept insisting on your own...

And the ban in the screenshot is not the result of fighting for ticks - but the result of your unrealistic persistence and trying to put hard pressure on the developers. With accusations against them.

If it were not tics, but something else - with such behaviour on the part of the user the result would be the same. And rightly so. If all threads on the forum, with participation of developers, descend to discussing the issue for which there is a clear and unambiguous answer (no) - then it should be suppressed. So they stopped it :).

You, by the way, are not alone, a vivid example of a similar situation ... In fact, you could say one of the main forum members has been banned... It's true that they did it for politics :)

And the conclusion is very simple:

Let's not figure out the relationship between us on the forum. If you've written a post, you have read it. If it contains no rational suggestions or valuable information, we delete it and do not post it. If you want to find out any details or discuss politics, go to the personal section or social networks. Everyone will be happy :)

PS: This post, and my 2 previous ones, do not contain any information and I'd rather not write them :)))

But I can not resist - it hurts to see how important topics are transformed into trash because of all sorts of squabbles.



But I couldn't resist - it pains me to see important topics turn into trash because of all the bickering.

And so it will be. It started because of this stinginess. The man asks for help and he is a stingy. Now it's just flooded replies to him + trolling.

I'm sorry if it offends you in any way. There's only two sides to the barricades, I'm on this side .... Which side are you on?


And so it will be. It started because of this stinginess. The man asks for help and he's a stingy one. Now it's just flood answers to him + trolling.

I'm sorry if it offends you in any way. There's only two sides to the barricades, I'm on this side .... Which side are you on?

The barricades are your perception of the situation. I do not see these barricades. I see only unnecessary bickering.

But I am for constructive. And it does not matter whose side.

Thanks to this "dude", MT5 is a lot faster. At a quick glance, I found 12.

And another thing - he didn't ask for help in that thread about arbitrage - he offered to discuss specific issues.


And I decided to take a couple of days off from the computer and meet my friends for a drink ) . I came back. I read the thread and I don't really understand what happened.

I`m reading about my friend`s penis, Michael`s inhuman action, some burnt grail, Prival-2 and Mikalas are fighting about something unknown.)

I see the weekend went well in this forum )

I think, to relax, it would be nice to organize a meeting in a real forum in a friendly informal atmosphere with conversations in the format "about the market and not only". Although, welcome to smart-lab meeting! )


And I decided to take a couple of days off from the computer and meet my friends for a drink ) . I came back. I read the thread and I don't really understand what happened.

I`m reading about my friend`s penis, Michael`s inhuman action, some burnt grail, Prival-2 and Mikalas are fighting about something unknown.)

I see the weekend went well in this forum )

I think, to relax, it would be nice to organize a meeting in a real forum in a friendly informal atmosphere with conversations in the format "about the market and not only". Although, welcome to smart-lab meeting! )

It's not easy to understand. What does the theme's name 12345 mean to you?

What rubbish is it? Although called a branch of another "FORTS ..." etc., and was even once recreated. And now it's "12345".

What's the point?

These "FORTS-ovs" are a dime a dozen. So what - all our conversations will then be erased and become epic "123456", "1234567" ???

And in general, who needs such branches and what is actually talking about?


I see. If you ask me, I'd be in favour of not even being able to edit comments on the forum (except for blogs) What's written in the pen can't be cut down with an axe - sort of.

But then I would have to think twice before writing something. )