FORTS Please help - page 22


So, let's conclude!

I, Mikalas, am an idiot, an idiot, a fool, a nerd, etc... et cetera... et cetera...

Everybody happy?

Wow, it turns out a person can even be self-critical... maybe he even has a chance to learn something. For the great ones learn from other people's mistakes.
But this is not the case here, God willing, he will learn from his own ... :-)

We wait, we wait in a glass. For you have to pay for knowledge... And here we have a Persian, so tasty, so fat...
(like you may still have some money, I hope you didn't give it all to the state? We're waiting for you here - in the market, if there's anything left).

We like them here, dumb and big, with money sticking out of their pockets, they are the tastiest customers. When they realise they've been taken, it takes a long time...

You think everything here is free, everything for nothing... It's a free terminal for dumbasses, you have to pay for everything else :-)

Here's a link with much needed information, it's very expensive :-)) All for free :-)

Come join us, we've already got a lot of people here, that one .... and we love them, stupid and rich, very ... very ... very ... love, and love all kinds of things :-)

Определение слов «Игра на "просто так"» (Уголовный жаргон)
1. Игра на "просто так" Игра в карты на половой акт. Обычно в игру на такую ставку играют с новыми заключенными, которые еще не знают, о чем идет речь.

Have you lost your mind?

I've admitted I'm a fool, so what do you call YOU if you want to prove something, threaten, etc... FOOL?


So, let's conclude!

I, Mikalas, am an idiot, an idiot, a fool, a nerd, etc... et cetera... et cetera...

Everybody happy?

Oh, come on! I saw the thread before everyone started tearing down their posts... There was less valuable information there than a google search on "ARBITRATION". But the mutual insults and all sorts of rubbish was more than in neighbouring threads in the last 2-3 months. Deleted - and good.

By the way, several other people in that thread have deleted their posts along with you. They are only rude to you. I wonder why?

Do not react to these provocations, that's all.


This is a free terminal for dumbasses, you have to pay for everything else :-)

Well, this phrase is a good demonstration of how you treat us all...

You have a pathological desire to be banned. You don't get banned for advertising, you get banned for insults...


...A community should not forgive its members for such actions - it is a matter of principle...

...I discovered Mikalas' act this morning and was so disgusted by the meanness, insidiousness and sheer stupidity...

So you're allowed to take advantage of members of the community for your own benefit, but the rest of us can't?


Have you lost your mind at all?

What did you think? You have to pay for everything in this world. Did you want to live by the nipple principle?

Blow in, blow out...

Well, not even air comes out :-)

Now all the info, what's the name of the branch there .... Forts. Please help ...


And payment it comes in different forms .... or didn't you know ? should i explain it again with my feet ? but no i guess my feet won't help, i need to use my fingers :-)

And you probably won't believe me again... Sometimes you have to stoop to your opponent's intelligence so that he understands something ...


What did you think? You have to pay for everything in this world. Did you want to live by the nipple principle?

Blow in, blow out...

Well, not even air comes out :-)

Now all the info, what's the name of the branch there .... Forts. Please help ...


And payment it comes in different forms .... or didn't you know ? should i explain it again with my feet ? but no i guess my feet won't help, i need my fingers :-)

And you probably won't believe it again... Sometimes you have to stoop to your opponent's intellect in order for him to understand something ...

You, "dear", will never get out of here now -->!

P/S This maniac, got into another thread

Fellow Privalov friends, think about who you're dealing with!



That sentence really shows how you treat us all...

You have a pathological desire to be banned. You don't get banned for advertising. - So at least for insults ...

Wow, smart guy. You kind of know how to do things. Did you write your advisor by the glass or not?

So for the smart guy, a little screenshot.

You don't get banned for advertising :-))) Wow, what is this? If he was advertising MT no one would say a word, but here for the free history of free glasses banned :-)

You seem to have torn the shirt on his chest, I'll write a strategy tumblr, just give a sensible description ... How do you write it? Or do you not like the description?

You need a little help too :-)

Where is your promise? You did not even have to write it on your fingers in the form of a video :-))


Wow, smart guy. You kind of know everything and know how to do it. Did you write your advisor by the glass or not?

Just a quick screenshot for Smarty Pants.

You don't get banned for advertising :-))) Wow, what is this? If he was advertising MT no one would say a word, but here for the free history of free glasses banned :-)

You seem to have torn the shirt on his chest, I'll write a strategy tumblr, just give a sensible description ... How do you write it? Or do you not like the description?

You need a little help too :-)

Where is your promise? You did not even have to write it on your fingers in the form of a video :-))

From the experience of fools:

To beat your opponent you have to make him "lose his temper", and then he (the opponent) shows his true "face"!


:) If you have been drinking or taking something, it's best not to respond to anything below until the morning. You just won't feel comfortable afterwards yourself.

Prival Two:

Wow, smart guy. You know everything and know how to do it. You've written an Expert Advisor by the glass or not?

I have not written an adviser by the glass - I will consider it weak. If that gives you an excuse to get on your high horse, shouting and insulting, then... I simply have nothing to add...


So for the clever one, a small screenshot.

As if for advertising do not get banned :-))) Wow, what is this? If he advertised MT no one would not say a word, but there for the free history of free glasses banned :-)

I've never seen so many references to other people's terminals from any user on this forum. The ban on the screenshot is only a loyal warning. If it were not for constructive behavior from your side in some threads, I think you would have been banned for 10 years :)

But you have an internal conflict :)))) You write in one post that:

Prival Two:

It's for dumbasses terminal for free, for everything else you have to pay :-)

And in another:


If you advertised MT no one would say a word, but here for a HALF, for the free history of glasses banned :-)

And lastly.


I thought you there ripped his shirt on his chest, just give me a sensible description ... How do you like it? Or do you not like the description?

You need to talk too :-)

Where is your promise? I did not even have to write the ToR in the form of a video :-))

You must have me confused ; ))

You must have me confused ; )

He'll be swinging his sword till morning!

I have insomnia (I can't count the profits), and he's having a glass tomorrow (today)...


:) If you have been drinking or taking something, it's best not to respond to anything below until the morning. You just won't feel good about it yourself.

The councillor hasn't written in a glass - let's consider it weak. If that gives you a reason to turn to you, shouting and insulting, then... I simply have nothing to add...

I haven't seen so many mentions of someone else's terminal from any user on this forum yet. The ban in the screenshot is just a loyal warning. If it were not for constructive behavior from your side in separate threads - I think it would be a ban for 10 years :)

But you have an internal conflict :)))) You write in one post that:

And in the other:

And lastly...

You must have me confused ; )

Oh, yeah, sorry about that. Really to the C-4. Mistakes have to be acknowledged.

Well, I think you'll find it's interesting, the constructive stuff gets banned here, almost forever.

That's for the tick story. I wonder, for the history of the glass, how many years