Chats on - page 19


Geez, gentlemen, what the hell are you doing????????

I am discussing the order with the customer. We have been discussing it for a long time. We are constantly reworking, completing and changing something. Not only that mess with the messages, but just now noticed a message from him, I went to, and there ... ...the delete timer's on for 1 hour and, oh, my God, there's nothing in the discussion. Oh, man. Do we have to start all the formulas all over again?

This is brutal, gentlemen, brutal...

Artyom Trishkin:

Geez, gentlemen, what the hell are you doing????????

I am discussing the order with the customer. We have been discussing it for a long time. We are constantly reworking, completing and changing something. Not only that mess with the messages, but just now noticed a message from him, I went to, and there ... ...the delete timer's on for 1 hour and, oh, my God, there's nothing in the discussion. Oh, man. Do we have to start all the formulas all over again?

Cruel, gentlemen, cruel...

Your interlocutor hand-set the timer to one hour. That's why the correspondence was deleted.

Look in the correspondence. After all, all the messages about changing the timer were preserved.

We need to remove that dreaded timer function altogether.

Your interlocutor set the timer for 1 hour with his hands. That's why the correspondence was deleted.

Look in the correspondence. After all, all messages about timer changes have been saved.

I have attached a screenshot of my correspondence with him. However, the constant refreshing of my correspondence page leads to deletion of my newly written messages.

And here's another thing: even if he turned on the deletion himself. Well... out of ignorance. He's new here. But why did it all get deleted from me? You know, we've been drafting for two months, changing things, deleting things, adding things. It was all in discussion. At any time, I could go in and reread the algorithms I had created and the calculation formulas I needed. Why have I had everything deleted? It's work, it's labour. After all, it is PERSONAL. Or am I mistaken? Is it all in the public domain?

Turn this fusion off. I still have no way to write anything to the customer. My message is embedded in his last message, and after refreshing the page it goes back to the state as in the screenshot.

And why don't you allow for the possibility of an automatic timer? Is everything so flawless for you? So he, my customer, is sneaky like that, now sits and keeps track of every post I write and somehow deletes it? Because after refreshing the page it disappears. By your logic - it's his fault, not incomplete delete posts functionality. By the way, Renat promised that forced deletion will be removed for both of them. However, no.


Your interlocutor set the timer for 1 hour with his hands. That's why the correspondence was deleted.

Look at the correspondence. I mean, all the messages about changing the timer are still there.

Let's have a look. Of course it's different now (it's probably my customer's machinations again), but is everything working perfectly? Is there a probability and confidence that it again will not happen any kazusa with correspondence? You can certainly blame it all on my customer, or me. But, please, make this magic trick work properly without blaming us. Thank you.

Or did it fix itself without your input?

Maybe it's a shaitan.

Artyom Trishkin:

Let's have a look. Of course it's changed (it's probably my customer's machinations again), but is everything working perfectly? Is there a chance and confidence that there won't be another mishap with correspondence? You can certainly blame it all on my customer, or me. But, please, make this magic trick work properly without blaming us. Thank you.

Another option: and delete your browser cache.

Forced removal will be removed. We will soften this mechanism.

Karputov Vladimir:
Alternatively, delete your browser cache.
Cleared/deleted. The fun continues.

Forced deletion will be removed. We will mitigate this mechanism.

A message came in. I go to my profile to my messages. I see it:

Okay, I click on the message to read it:

Oops... it's not there ...

Thirty or forty seconds go by and bam, right in front of my eyes it appears:

It turns out that I ADDED something to my own message that wasn't in the message that came to me (here it is again):

It's great of course, but can you still fix it, please. It's impossible to work.

Browser cache cleared, computer rebooted ...

... I went to an icon, put a candle in it :)

... ...kicked the tyres...

UPD: Refreshed the page after 14 minutes:

Great. His post appeared, but my reply, which I wrote to him when I saw something wrong, he has, alas, disappeared.

Shaitan ...


The story goes on.

Here's what I have in my correspondence:

Here's what you can see from his:

In messages:

In the chat window:

What can I say here...