Chats on - page 21


Messages used to have my name followed by the other person's name

Now they've changed it to first name followed by my name.

everything is in bold -- you can't tell who you're chatting with quickly -- my name is the first thing that catches your eye, while the name of the person you're chatting with is the first thing that catches your eye

the name is overshadowed by the green dot - if the person is online, the dot is next to my name and draws attention to my name

p.s. put it back

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Messages used to have my name followed by the other person's name

Now they've changed it to first name followed by my name.

everything is in bold -- you can't tell who you're chatting with quickly -- my name is the first thing that catches your eye, while the name of the person you're chatting with is the first thing that catches your eye

the name is overshadowed by the green dot - if the person is online, the dot is next to my name and draws attention to my name

p.s. put it back.

We have swapped the names of online users to make them look like their avatars.

Moreover, it is easier to instantly see the username of a chat partner than your own in the message header.

The green dot will be corrected.


We have rearranged the names of interlocutors to bring their positions into line with those of their avatars.

It is also more convenient to see the name of the interlocutor instead of your own in the message header.

The green dot will be corrected.

why not make "my name" not bold but in a less conspicuous font? to make sure that the name of the interlocutor is conspicuous
Andrey F. Zelinsky:
Then how about making "my name" not bold, but in a less conspicuous font? to ensure that the name of the person you're talking to is conspicuous
I like the fact that both names are in bold.
Karputov Vladimir:
I like the fact that both names are in bold.

So, lullaby, go about your lullaby business -- I can't see the other person's name, and I already know mine.

The gaze goes from the centre to the edge -- and with equal emphasis -- whether you want it or not -- you see the first name (my name), not the name of the person you're talking to.

If it's so important that the speaker's name be the first, you should compensate for the different highlighting of the two names (mine and the speaker's)

Both names must be present. It can be very useful in cases where a screenshot has been taken - as proof. Both names have to be very clearly visible. Another thing is that the names can be very long (how good the nicknames were, after all) and may not fit on one line, for example on a tablet.

no one is stopping you from finding a compromise -- for very, very rare screenshots -- the written "my name" can be reinforced by simply underlining it in the screenshot itself.

but staring at "my name" every time you want to see who you're talking to is overkill -- there's a mirror for that:

"My light, mirror, tell me.
Tell me the truth:
I am the fairest of them all,

"Am I the sweetest and whitest of all?"

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

So, lullaby, go about your lullaby business -- I can't see the other person's name, and I already know mine.

The gaze goes from the centre to the edge -- and with equal emphasis -- whether you want it or not -- you see the first name (my name), not the name of the person you're talking to.

If it is so important that the name of the person you are talking to comes first, you should compensate for the different highlighting of the two names (mine and the person you are talking to)

When your name was bold at first you were comfortable reading the interlocutor's name. Now that the person's name comes first is uncomfortable?

It's very strange. You don't even have to look for your chat partner's name. It comes right at the beginning of the line.


Please remove this timer innovation altogether. This is a typical user reaction to the timer:

I'm not really a social person, and I'm not personally affected by it. But, of course, deleting business correspondence is unacceptable.

Deletion of messages is not regulated and is not clearly defined anywhere. It raises a lot of questions. Please remove this very dangerous function from the user's arsenal.


When your name was in bold at first you were comfortable reading the other person's name. Now that your name comes first, it's uncomfortable?

It is very strange. You don't even have to look for the name now. It comes right at the beginning of the line.

Because perception of information on a monitor is from the centre to the edges -- my name used to come first -- and I didn't notice it.

Now it reads your own name first and the other person's first.

Now it's first name, last name, avatar in brackets -- and all so for two participants (I am one participant and I do not need to read my first name, last name and avatar more than once a day) -- all equally spaced and close together -- well, all mixed up in one very long line.

p.s. What's the problem? Is it difficult to select only the name of the interlocutor, and not to select "my name"?

Or put the interlocutor's name on the left and my name on the right.

What is your objective? To write or to improve the perception of information?