Chats on - page 13


1) How do you determine that you receive an audible notification of a particular message after minutes and hours ? Perhaps someone else has written to you?

2) The number doesn't appear or the number doesn't change. Simply in case your conversation partner has sent you 2 messages in a row, they are merged into one. The actual number of unread messages remains the same, but an audible notification comes.

1) how do you determine that? by observation -- the number appears, no sound, after a while -- there are options: a) another message appears, two sounds come in a row -- b) no message, sound comes in

2) number does not appear -- with the change of numbers did not notice the problem, all change is just fine -- sometimes the message came but the number does not appear, or appears with a delay or when reloading the page


1) How do you determine that you receive an audible notification of a particular message after minutes and hours ? Perhaps someone else has written to you?

An example in which there was a delay:

-- you were writing a message in the main thread of a message (not in the mini-chat)

-- A new message arrived and a "1" appeared in the message box (no sound)

-- left Messages, the Forum or Freelance (i.e., out of chat)

-- a minute or two later there is a sound


By audio:

I am writing a message via "Messages" (not mini-chat) to subscriber N. If while I am writing a message, a message arrives from subscriber N, there is no sound, but his message appears in the feed.


It may have been there before, but I've only noticed this icon now:


and when you click it goes to Profile in Messages.

Karputov Vladimir:

It may have been there before, but I've only noticed this icon now:

and when you click it goes to Profile in Messages.

Man, you have to open a whole page, you can't make a box like the one that opens when you click on the "Share" button

It's kind of weird, don't you think?

Why write the same thing twice in messages?

Why not keep it simple and clear? "User comment on your product Name of product" button "Read" or "View" or "Go to"

Vladimir Pastushak:

It's a little strange, don't you think?

Why write the same thing twice in messages?

Why can't it be plain and simple? "User comment on your product Name of product" button "read" or "view" or "go to"

Even better if the text of the comment was provided. And a link just to reply (which is not always necessary).

It's a mystery to me why this wasn't done originally.

We'll improve it.

Plus there will be a timer for messages one of these days.

Is it just me or is it everyone ? And how do I remove the passengers if I don't need it at the bottom anymore ????