Quantum mechanical methods - page 2

I will not describe in my own words what and how, why? If a person does not want to study, i.e. to work on materials in order to obtain knowledge, I will not tell him all the same and such communication is not very interesting, like a teacher and listeners. The main thing is the term system, mechanics builds a system and finds all the properties of the system. If someone knows what the work is, for example, intensive reading of literature and generation of some conclusions, he may look for km, if only to read and to be told everything, it will not work. This post is not addressed personally to anyone in the thread, it's "in general". The main discussion is supposed to move to skype, but those who will take only consumer participation are not needed.
To the top starter: start installing PPPs in different locations around the world. In times of great market turmoil, they should resonate. So much for a simple quantum indicator!

OK, then what is quantum mechanical trading based on? Give me an example. Calculate the strength of movement, speed, etc. This approach has little perspective, because the market is not linear.

Do not talk in formulas) Give an example for "dummies", then it will become clear.

Technicians sometimes use slang, you think you do not understand it, and then it turns out that you've done it many times, just did not know the "technical terms".

Km calculates everything you need, what you need is also written in the literature.

P.s. there is a desire to gather people ready to actively develop and apply, for the long term. Desirable desire to program in c++, study physics and mathematical apparatus used in physics. The approach is interesting, the theory is complete, i.e. it describes everything and how and what interacts, not that unreasonable stochastic plus masd plus averages... :-) :-) :-)
Qm calculates everything you need, it's also written in the literature.

P.s. there is a desire to gather people who are ready to actively develop and use km, for the long term. Preferably a desire to program in c++, to study physics and mathematical apparatus used in physics.

Mea yours don't understand. Read Scott Paterson's Quanta. So there, that's exactly what he was talking about.

You're practically too lazy to give an example, and you keep sending me somewhere in the mathematical apparatus.

To the top starter: start installing PPPs in different locations around the world. In times of great market turmoil, they should resonate. So much for a simple quantum indicator!
And what is a PRGP? Google is silent on the acronym.

Mine is not yours to understand. Read Scott Paterson's Quanta. Well, that's exactly what he was talking about.

You are practically too lazy to give an example, and you all send somewhere in the mathematical apparatus.

There it is mainly a book about quantitative analysis, there are other books more quantum, a quantum is someone who knows km. The mathematical apparatus is important, you can't do without it in km trading.

Mine is not yours to understand. Read Scott Paterson's Quanta. Well, that's exactly what he was talking about.

You are practically too lazy to give an example, and you all send somewhere in the mathematical apparatus.

Patterson's work is not about some mythical "quantum mechanical" methods on the market. The word "quanta" in the title is simply an abbreviation for physicists and mathematicians in the financial market
What is CPSS? Google is silent on the acronym.
A pseudorandom number generator. By the way, Matlab always generates the same random numbers. :-)
Patterson's work is not about some mythical "quantum mechanical" methods in the market. The word "quanta" in the title is simply an abbreviation for physicists and mathematicians in the financial market.
There is very little about Quanta in the book, more about statistics. Generally it is about books written by PhDs and post-docs, their knowledge is not highly questioned. Heisenberg was a world famous physicist, his theory does not lie. :-)
There is very little about Quantum in the book, more about statistics.
Have you readFeynman, Hibs, Quantum mechanics and path integrals?