Quantum mechanical methods - page 9


Well, you are mathematicians and physicists, so figure out how to find out the correlation)

You can divide the ER of one by the other, where the value is closer to 1, in those areas there is more correlation.

:-) I suggest you don't reinvent the "wheel" but take a textbook on km. Any normal technique would be more complicated than calculating a period average depending on what you call a trend. I studied correlation more than five years ago, downloaded all data from FreedII and built a big correlation matrix of US macroeconomic indicators.... the knowledge to write clever economic articles is dpt, but there is no profit. Correlation just says statistical correlation and that's all, to use it you have to predict somehow :-) :-) :-) :-)
:-) I suggest you don't reinvent the "wheel" but take a textbook on km. Any normal technique would be more complicated than calculating the period of an average depending on what you called a trend. I studied correlation more than five years ago, downloaded all the data from FreedII and built a big correlation matrix of macroeconomic indicators of the US.... the knowledge to write clever economic articles is dpt, but there is no profit. Correlation just says statistical correlation and that's all, to use it you have to predict somehow :-) :-) :-) :-)
Gentlemen, before you get all clever about how you use "correlation" and what it "means" (obviously not a statistical relationship), try answering a simple question: how to find a correlation between currencies, for example EUR and GBP (namely currencies, and not their price diagrams in an arbitrary quote currency, because in the latter case the result is completely determined by the quote currency, if you take a dollar you get one, if you take the yen another, if you take the franc another, and if you specially design the quote currency you will get anything you want).
Gentlemen, before you get all clever about how you use "correlation" and what it "means" (clearly not a statistical relationship), try answering a simple question: how to find a correlation between currencies, for example EUR and GBP (exactly between currencies, and not between their price diagrams in an arbitrary quote currency, because in the latter case the result is completely determined by the quote currency, if you take the dollar you get one, the yen another, the franc another, and if you specially design the quote currency you can get anything you want).
Don't talk about correlation, there are many kinds of correlation, it has nothing to do with this topic. Take a calculator and do the math. There is another mathematical apparatus, significantly better than correlation, when predicting anything, in mathematics correlation is practically not used for predictions. I don't think there's any uncertainty about filter value and lag by the way, filters don't lag. :-) What you mean by filters is not what is usually meant.
When predicting anything, in mathematics correlation is almost never used for predictions. By the way, I doubt very much that there is any uncertainty between filter value and lag, filters don't lag. :-)

Firstly, correlation in prediction and filtering is a must. For it is the essence of a priori knowledge of the signal. Which is necessary for filter synthesis like air.

And secondly, the phrase"filters do not lag :-)" I propose to put in the annals of this forum as the clearest example of personality degradation.

Gentlemen, before you get all clever about how you use "correlation" and what it "means" (clearly not a statistical relationship), try answering a simple question: how to find a correlation between currencies, for example EUR and GBP (exactly between currencies, and not between their price diagrams in an arbitrary quote currency, because in the latter case the result is completely determined by the quote currency, if you take the dollar you get one, the yen another, the franc another, and if you specially design the quote currency you can get anything you want).

Here is about correlation

You have to take one currency as a straight line and calculate the correlation of the other from it.

Not an expert in mathematics, I don't really understand the formulas there.

What do all these methods, correlation, linear regression, and TP have to do with it? The author is talking about quantum mechanics. Actually the market has a lot in common with quantum physics, because both are random processes and the probability of any event is 50%, and furthermore the event is undefined until there is no observer. Imagine what would happen if there were no observer in the market... Price will be between the Ask and Bid, but the Ask and Bid will be infinitely far apart and only when an observer (a trader) comes, he will narrow the corridor with his bids and the price will have its own path. The entire chart is built of ticks, but it is almost impossible to predict where the next tick (in Forex) will go and moreover its value. That is, we can say that the tick will be 2 points up, but here is the problem, we cannot say when it will happen. And in fact any our prediction, in the long term, does not go beyond the 50% probability of profitable trades. Therefore it is very interesting to apply quantum mechanics equations, but it is a big field of knowledge and it would be great to develop a theory together, moreover there is a precedent already that scientists managed to make a prediction with about 90% probability of future position of a particle using the equations, now they just need to understand them.
YES what do all these methods, correlation, linear regression, and TA have to do with it. The author is talking about quantum mechanics. Actually the market has a lot in common with quantum physics because both are random processes and the probability of any event is 50% and furthermore the event is undefined until there is no observer. Imagine what would happen if there were no observer in the market... Price will be between the Ask and Bid, but the Ask and Bid will be infinitely far apart and only when an observer (a trader) comes, he will narrow the channel and the price will have its own path. The whole chart is built of ticks, but it is almost impossible to predict where the next tick (in Forex) will go and moreover its value. That is, we can say that the tick will be 2 points up, but here is the problem, we cannot say when it will happen. And in fact any our prediction, in the long term, does not go beyond the 50% probability of profitable trades. Therefore it is very interesting to apply quantum mechanics equations, but it is a big field of knowledge and it would be great to develop a theory together, moreover there is a precedent already that scientists managed to make a prediction with about 90% probability of future position of a particle using the equations, now they just need to understand them.

Bullshit. Nothing in common.

Quantum mechanics is a theory that explains phenomena at the subatomic level.

It has no "special" mathematical apparatus - mathematics and theorizing.

All processes in the real world are random, so what, to conclude that everything in the world is quantum mechanics?

at least don't disgrace quantum mechanics, it's enough to be riddled with pseudo-theorists of chaos theory.....
at least don't disgrace quantum mechanics, it's enough to be riddled with pseudo-theorists of chaos theory.....
Don't be ashamed to begin with, post your articles on km? No articles but you are rude! The eigen numbers of matrices are theorver, ahaha...hahaha all processes are random... well your speech is not random, so not all, don't you think ? Keep your criticism to yourself somewhere else, this is a forum for those who develop the topic, not criticize. There is always a fool who does not bother to read what we are talking about and without any idea what we are talking about and starts to say something critical... :-) The theory of zaos is "fucked up" by some and you are trying to make this thread... You seem to have read all the most important parameters in the conditions and decided that this is a theorist... :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) stop talking nonsense, you're writing nonsense...

You'd better show us a formula or something... So far just talk... km... km...

Get to the point. Show KM in action. As applied, so to speak, to our sheep.