Quantum mechanical methods - page 6

To the topic-starter: do you yourself have at least a basic knowledge of physics and mathematics? Question: what classical equation does the unsteady Erwin Schrödinger equation change into when the action quantum goes to zero?
If "pretty words" and "effects" are removed, there are many more interesting things. Physicists take particle coordinates and find out what kind of particles they are, a trader has a task to discover "his particle" from other coordinates. :-)
The most interesting thing about KM is ignoring classical energy conservation laws. Completely.
He reversed the equation and predicted the past based on future data, and predicted the future based on that past data.) So it turns out that the future directly affects the past.
it is funny how people discover that the equations of mechanics are covariant with respect to the time inversion operation. why wouldn't they be covariant? energetically, everything satisfies the principle of least action on the whole trajectory, which is the only one.
Topikstarter: do you yourself have at least a basic knowledge of physics and mathematics? Question: what classical equation does the unsteady Erwin Schrödinger equation go into when the action quantum goes to zero?

I am more interested in the corpuscular approach at the moment. Knowledge is mastered as needed and to the extent necessary to solve the problems. The Planck constant as well as the potential in the problems encountered is not set in the conditions as in the textbooks for universities, they need to be calculated, there is no reference book where everything is set as in the institute. I can't say that you have a lot of maths knowledge, but the university curriculum is usually not very relevant to the problems, although it depends on the institute and many other educational parameters. Math+physics+c++ alone is not easy to learn in any case, even if you have a physics degree. So, education profile does not play a very important role, what matters is whether a person has an interest in mastering methods. Have you solved many equations on the computer in college? Probably not much, to the extent of a few term papers. There are very few people who are interested or knowledgeable in mathematics/physics, even fewer who are willing to work and study. No desire to take part in development of the theme (no one insists, but if suddenly (in terms of "covariance and countervariance participants will not be able to talk at once')) ?

All imho. :-)
It is funny how people discover that the equations of mechanics are covariant with respect to the time inversion operation. why wouldn't they be covariant? energetically, everything satisfies the principle of least action on the entire trajectory, which is the only one.
In technical analysis trading there is a lot of "fun" about "turning a fly into an elephant". :-)
Not only, compare your results or compare together with this approach: https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/250

Why is cheesy interpolation passed off as an "approach"?

Approaches were known to high school students in the 1970s USSR: see attachment. The part where a predictive filter is described. Predictive filter - sound?! :-0


About the "uncertainty principle".

As a result of much work on digital filter design, I've come to the following conclusion: uncertainty here links time and price.

Either you have no lag in time (an error on the time axis of zero), but do not know exactly the "true" price, which is different from the observed on the graph (there is an error on the price axis), or

You know exactly the true equilibrium price (no error on the price axis), but have a lag in determining it (there is an error on the time axis).

That's the trick. In short: Your filter is either not filtering or lagging. But there are nuances. A congenital condition: both filtering and not lagging is possible. But it takes above-average intelligence to break the seemingly immutable uncertainty ratio.


About the "uncertainty principle".

As a result of much work on digital filter design, I have come to the following conclusion: the uncertainty here relates time and price.

Either you have no lag in time (an error on the time axis of zero), but do not know exactly the "true" price, which is different from the observed on the graph (there is an error on the price axis), or

You know exactly the true equilibrium price (no error on the price axis), but have a lag in determining it (there is an error on the time axis).

That's the trick. In short: Your filter is either not filtering or lagging. But there are nuances. A congenital condition: both filtering and not lagging is possible. But it takes above-average intelligence to break the seemingly immutable uncertainty ratio.

Makes sense, I've read similar articles. Can it be "broken" ? Haven't read about it before.
Makes sense, I've read similar articles. Is it possible to break ? I haven't read about it before.
In the schoolchildren's booklet attached above, the filter looks into the future ("predicts") :-) but all you have to do here is not to lag behind...
In the attached brochure for schoolchildren the filter looks into the future ("predicts") :-) but here it is only necessary not to lag behind...
Does the filter have something to do with uncertainty there ? I.e. is it written somewhere in the book that it is used there in the construction of the filter ?