Quantum mechanical methods - page 4


What a great topic! I've wanted to start posting cats here for a long time. I never got around to it.

I'm already trying it out. The problem is the small number of data types that can be linked to the tool.
You seem to be talking about something not km, there are two types of data needed for all the basic calculations. There are two options - to waste time practically on simple strategies or to master the km methods.
You seem to be talking about something not km, there are two kinds of data needed.
Well, yes price and a second independent variable which is assumed to have an impact on price.
Well, yes price and the second independent variable, which is assumed to have an effect on price.
What is the second one called in km (in conventional mechanics it is also called that)?
What is the second one in the km (in normal mechanics it is also called that)?
Roger that. I'm going to go read about Schrodinger's cat.


In general, it might be more suitable to draw a square of Malevich and ask a question like how many cats and what kind of box :-) :-) :-) Just kidding.
In general, it might be more suitable to draw a square of Malevich and ask a question like how many cats and what kind of box :-) :-) :-) Just kidding.


Yeah yeah, the question is like "which cat will jump out at you" or "which cat will jump out at you" :-) :-) :-) :-) Man, that's funny, thanks.
I read that one scientist used the Born equation to predict the future position of a particle with 90% accuracy. But he did it in a different way, he inverted the equation and predicted the past based on future data and predicted future based on past data)). So it turns out that the future directly affects the past. Here is a quote from the article: "'Calculating for the future using the Born equation, which expresses the probability of a system being in a certain state, guarantees you a 50% chance of getting the answer right,' says March. - But you can also calculate it in reverse using a certain matrix effect. Just take all the equations and reverse them. They will work and you can just run the trajectory backwards."

"Thus, if we look at the backward and forward trajectories and weigh their information equally, we get a kind of backward prediction, or retrodiction."

To anyone interested, here is the article itself http://hi-news.ru/science/v-kvantovom-mire-budushhee-vliyaet-na-proshloe.html

I found the Bourne equation, but I didn't understand anything if I wanted to, can we work it out together?