Make your first million - page 178

George Merts:
Yes, Danik, one thing is being said to you - you have to trade systematically. All other trading styles like "eye-diamond" or "gut feeling" or whatever - always a path to losses.
I got your point a long time ago )) I'm trying to follow it today - I'm trading robotically - I decided to try one idea. It did not work. But I am sure it will go in the right direction! ;)
For me one of the main indicators of a trading signal is its age. Look and you will not see signals older than 2 years with yield 1000% per year, a normal level for those who work steadily - 300% per year (this is very good), but to jump to 10 000% and then lose - few people want to.

Daniil Stolnikov:

decided to try one idea. It didn't work. But I'm sure it will go in the right direction! ;)

the idea is simple - if you look at your graphs

I don't know if you can understand it or if it's too complicated...

I'll try to make it clearer.

you're a demo guy... a demo daredevil, a real-life flunky...

an insecure person who's not yet overcome fear and greed...

(which is the first thing you should have learned...)

and therefore desperately jealous of others' successes, even modest ones...

so jealous that she hides her real name in the monitoring site....

What do you know - "the great centurion ...", on the demo 14 000 percent ... and when the real - drains a miserable 10 -30 quid ...

So drink up what you've already pissed away...

I'm sure it'll go your way too... but not until you get a visit from Uncle Kolya... that's how it works

Aleksandr Astanin:
For me one of the main indicators of a trading signal is his age. Looking at it, you won't see signals older than 2 years with returns of 1000% per year. The normal level for those who work stably is 300% per year (that's very good), while only a few would want to jump to 10 000% and then dump it.

I was looking at age and drawdown -

I only found 6 good signals with one year age and 10-20 drawdown

One of the best ones is already out (but it was stable for more than a year...


but Danila wants everything at once - God give him luck ...

Анализ сигналов Ч.1. Соотношение просадки и прибыли
Анализ сигналов Ч.1. Соотношение просадки и прибыли
  • 2015.01.09
  • Zogman
Какое соотношение риска (просадка) к прибыли на форексе ? Вопрос, возможно, сложный, но давайте сделаем первый шаг - проведем анализ имеющихся сигналов. Вывод 1: есть сигналы (всего 2) с...
valeriy odintsov:


It's not the first time you've written nasty things in a thread, it's not good ...



It's not the first time you've written nasty things in a thread, it's not good ...

My friend, it's not nasty, it's the truth of life

It's obviously normal for you when this comrade talks like this

Daniil Stolnikov:

switch, fuck!

connoisseur, fuck!!!

come on, goodbye...

Daniil Stolnikov:
Maybe it's hard for you? Well, mashing numbers is not difficult? )) Why post nothing and then say how cool you are? Why fart in the water?

Z.O.S. A bunch of water farts.


I'm a friend of a friend and I'm out for a stroll.

I'm a friend of a friend, and I'm just out for a walk. Just don't do it with a smart-ass look on your face...

You know, half the time you've lost a tenner... It's no big deal... everyone's losing...

They say I lost a million... and I'm alive and well...

valeriy odintsov:

I can't follow the logic of your thoughts, and your answer to the question about the purpose of your being here (given above) is at odds with what you actually write


I was looking at age and drawdown -

I only found 6 good signals with one year age and 10-20 drawdown

One of the best ones is already out (but it was stable for more than a year...


but Danila wants everything at once - God give him luck ...

Thank you very much humanly!!! As I said before - "not many people can do it now" :)

I can't follow the logic of your thoughts, and your answer to the question about the purpose of your being here (given above) is at odds with what you actually write

The logic is like the market - it seems to be there, but it escapes comprehension...

And you're not prosecutors for questioning, are you?

You want to answer, you don't want to answer, you let it pass you by...

And I'll ask you why you're sticking up for that guy.

It's like a kindergarten sandbox... The boozeball came in and stomped on his pigeons and his dreams of millions.

he doesn't know how to trade - let him talk like that... why bother pretending to be a millionaire from Rio de Janeiro... ...throwing around clever words... ...and make projects...

A smart trader sees everything - just look at the results.

But there is no need for cheap show-offs, especially when smarter and more experienced traders unobtrusively hint at how it should be done.

Alexander Laur:


I take it you have increased your depo 130 times since the beginning of the month? If so, it's SUPER!!!

I support my colleagues, I would like more details, without the secret details. :)

A dollar to 130 is not a problem, because you risk only 1 BKA.

Difficulties arise with larger sums... Balls are not of steel (getting old).

How can I show you more?