Make your first million - page 33

You blabbermouths??? Get into my private office!??
Typical hater.
You lame-o! Get into my private office!
What personal office? How can anyone go into someone else's private office other than their own? Are we talking about signals? If it's about the signals, we don't know how many signals these 4 were missed. We do not know how long they will last. In about three months, maybe even sooner, they'll be gone.
Gentlemen, what are you arguing about? One of the attendees of my course (a resident of Moscow) sold his garage, which he inherited for 12 000 c.u. He opened an account and posted his trading reports every day. The meaning of the reports was that at that time brokerage companies were not honest, to put it mildly. That's why everything was publicly available. So he made 800,000 of them in three months. I got bored of watching from there. His branch started to look like a sex joke in "Red Square". That was seven or eight years ago. But I think if you try hard enough you can find his stats on the Internet. And in particular I will soon go to (well, where the second house is) take my own, those that I recorded, and also like my friend I will open a $20 account and will trade for a couple of weeks. Every day, straight. All this for a forum thread like this or "how to make a deposit" or "we're the only millionaires here" etc...

If your story had not started with the words "one of my course attendees"... There have been many more cases where a DC has sent a trader away with a much smaller amount of earnings, because they simply have nothing to pay out. Even if this was the case, there was another motivation - the need for support in case of fraud. Here is another case - an attempt to demonstrate their awesomeness by emphasizing the suckiness of all the others, who allegedly can not fantasize so exuberantly about 10 per cent a day.

I didn't try to describe how I define the level. And what is the point? Why describe what everyone knows? You yourself know how to do it. So does everybody else.

Well, I don't. I bet you can't ask any member of the thread and they won't be able to explain why the level is the way you've defined it either. I believe that's what caused the drain. You weren't trading, you were "guessing". And guessing is roulette in a casino. With appropriate results.

The first thing to do if you want to trade profit is to formalise the TS rigidly. In your case, it is a clear definition of when a level occurs, with what value, and when it is no longer relevant. Plus - how we work with it, when it is a rebound, when it is a restriction for entry, when we do not consider it. And with all the other points of the TS, the same thing.

mmmoguschiy:You still do not get it. If you mean blocking of the account upon reaching the minimum is a draw - let it be so for you. For me it is zeroing of account, or its state when I will not be able to open a deal with minimal lot. With a balance of $20, leverage of 1:300 and micro lot 0.01 it would be safe to continue trading and even hold out for a Euro jump up, wait for its fall and not only come out in the break-even, but to be in profit!
That sounds more like an excuse, but I'm used to analyzing real facts. And the facts show that the actual plunge did not happen!!!!

Yes with your trading, "actual drain" won't happen in the only case - either if you keep adding to your deposit with dough, or if you quit trading. (I think that the variant, that you will quit your "guessing", and start trading by clear TS is unreal).

mmmoguschiy:At Forex it is impossible to predict with 100% probability which way the price will go. You can only guess and play "guessing". Many people believed in parity till March 16. And what happened? The pair reversed and went into a pullback!!! Could you have predicted that? I don't think so. Unless you had inside information. And that's unlikely. So you could say you were playing a guessing game.

No, I wasn't. "Guessing is making decisions out of context. Here, as you say, "many believed". That's how you are with your levels - BELIEVING, and not being able to clearly say why there is a level in a given case, and why it should be handled this way and not that way.

"Don't play the guessing game" - that means using clear dependencies. When you can clearly say - "a level is formed when there is such and such combination of bars with such and such combination of indicators on the chart. This level is calculated beginning from such-and-such a moment. This level exists till such-and-such moment (or event). If the price approaches it and a so-and-so situation occurs, then it is necessary to act in such a way. In this case, we have the so-and-so results on the history for so-and-so years.

Besides, we should have a "stop-crane" that would read as follows: "If a level based on these rules is not triggered so-and-so times in a row - this rule cannot be used anymore".

This is not a guessing game. Only with these rules you can steadily make profit. Not 10% per day. Much less. But it is much more stable.

Personally, I opened a long position on the 16th morning and it is still open. Not because I thought there would be a pullback. It's because I had to do so according to my TS.

You're a lame-duck! Come and see me in my private office!

May I ask why you are here? With your great results - you should have a huge deposit by now, and not be looking for any investors...

Where's your deposit? Not the "best work" from $50 to $5000, but work with a deposit of $100000 for at least half a year ?

One of my course attendees...
And an acquaintance of my other acquaintance, who is a close friend of my third cousin's nephew from my great-uncle's brother - once made a million from one cent! In one day!

If your story had not started with the words "one of my course attendees"... There have been many more cases where a DC has sent a trader away with a much smaller amount of earnings, because they simply have nothing to pay out. Even if this was the case, there was another motivation - the need for support in case of fraud. Here is another case - an attempt to demonstrate their awesomeness by emphasising the suckiness of everyone else, who supposedly cannot fantasise so exuberantly about 10 per cent a day.

With that kind of fervour, you should be in the "emotions" thread.

No one was belittling anyone here or intending to!!! There was only an attempt to show that it is quite real and no more than that. If you or anyone else is offended by it - you are free to have your own opinion and also free to perceive life as you know how.
10% is not a fantasy but a very tangible reality! People do a lot more, but at a higher risk too! We witnessed this yesterday - when a comrade in a parallel thread increased by 4 times and then successfully merged without having time to fix. And you are talking about the unrealizability of 10%. There's another question here - it's the stable fulfillment of the condition on the DAY!!!

There is some truth in what you say - no doubt!
But if some combination of bars or any other sign tells you that there will be a reversal, you cannot 100% guarantee that it will be so. You can admit it yourself, correcting for the absence of n times. So, whichever sign you use, you're basically playing guessing game!!!

So yes, you're right - I don't have a strategy and I'm playing a guessing game. So you're playing it too - find the strength to admit it!!!
With that kind of fervor, you should be in the "emotions" thread.

No one's belittling anyone here, and I don't mean to! It was just an attempt to show that it is quite real and nothing more. If you or anyone else is offended by it - you are free to have your own opinion and also free to perceive life as you know how.
10% is not a fantasy but a very tangible reality! People do a lot more, but at a higher risk too! We witnessed this yesterday - when a comrade in a parallel thread increased by 4 times and then successfully merged without having time to fix. And you are talking about the unrealizability of 10%. There's another question here - it's in the stable fulfillment of the condition on the DAY!!!

With what fervour? Don't make such a big fuss about me. I'm sitting still. Quietly laughing, of course.

No one's shown the 10 percent. A successful rise and then a fall is just an indicator of a fall, not a rise, no matter what the rise was before. This is yet another confirmation of the unprofitability of these 10 per cent even for what showed this 4-fold increase and plum (chickens are counted in the fall, and the fall after the plum is final and irrevocable - no money).

The point of money is that you hold it in your hands and can buy something with it and you buy it, not that it's passed through you on a receipt.

Raising and draining doesn't count. You think you're the only smart one here who's been lifting and draining like that? But that don't count. The credit is when you raise it, and you raise it to a decent amount so that... not to live on it for the rest of your life, but at least to buy yourself something serious. And as long as we're talking about 10%, we should do it at a rate of 10% a day. That's when it counts.

More. You should not start counting from the moment you open or replenish your next deposit, but from the moment when you start making "10% a day" on your first deposit. That's when it counts.