Make your first million - page 28

And who have I been fooling, when and where?
Me - that you can't make money on forex. Me, that you're not in the picture.
It's hard to put into words right away )) My decisions were made solely on the basis of a personal view of the situation based on past experience. Plus a couple of more or less telling indices, plus fundamentals, plus news, plus new knowledge of option moods. All in all, it's like this.

I mean, trading on a hunch? Well... I can see why I lost money...

I have not yet seen any regular earning trader who traded "on intuition"...

Well - the Indians answered...

We didn't expect otherwise...

I thought you have a really working TS that just needs some adjustments...


I lost all my deposits this way:

I chose the right direction, increased my account by times, but then I always started looking for a reversal and it was always the reason for losing.

Similarly, Watson It is all about risks and untimely withdrawal
1. Me, in that you can't make any money on fore. 2. Me, that you're not in the picture.

1. Didn't claim such a thing.

2. I'm fed up with psychology misfits. Have you ever seen a marmot? Yes? So you're a jerboa? Yes?


It's simpler, they have the ability to trade via Metatrader4. As far as I understand, their third-party company allows trading through the bridge.

At least on the demo they opened trades with their hands.

Mr Credo is a slowpoke.
I don't know how to formulate it)) My decisions were made solely from a personal view of the situation based on past experience. Plus a couple of more or less telling indices, plus fundamentals, plus news, plus new knowledge of option moods. All in all, it goes like this.
That's the tricky part, the stereotypes that you trade by change much later than the market. It may work today and then it may not, but your brain will still cling to past outdated patterns.
Mr Credo - slowpoke
Is it too slow?
That's the problem, stereotypes that you trade on much later than the market changes. They may work today and then not, but the brain will still cling to the past out-of-fashion patterns.

If only "the brain was clinging"... But there it catches and there it doesn't...

It's not trading, it's "guessing". And with "guessing", a loss is inevitable. Especially if you trade aggressively.


In order to earn consistently, the TS must be ironclad. That is, any action must have perfectly clear rules. Do you have them?

The market is volatile. So why shouldn't the TS be flexible?
The market is volatile. So why shouldn't the CU be flexible?

There is a book by Taleb called "Fooled by chance". I haven't read it myself. The idea there is an interesting one.

Several events happen and there seems to be a connection between them. You start to believe it works. And then it turns out it was just a coincidence.

The whole history of mankind includes many examples of this.

And also in World War II, the military landed on an island and there were Papuans who were cut off from civilisation.

The soldiers gave them beads, mirrors, canned food and other civilisation.

The war ended, the military left. And the Papuans started building mock planes out of straw, luring the planes in the hope that they would come again)

About the same with the market. The market has changed, but we want to repeat the events by building "straw planes" in our minds, hoping the market will return to the norms we are used to.