Rate of price change - page 6

papaklass: So what is the advantage of the exchange?

That they won't get screwed. If the firm is offshore, what can be charged to it? Forex itself is not legal in Russia, and neither are bitcoins.)


Sergei, if I may, you have a lot of experience. Do you really think that the ways of "taking money from citizens relatively honestly" are different on the stock market and the forex market? I remember a scandal in the 90s related to Troika-Dialog on our stock exchange. I do not remember the details, but the point was that they moved their stocks against the crowd with obvious results!

Has anything changed now? Big capital is taking money from small capital owners and note ON LEGAL BASIS!!!! And it makes no difference where the owner of small capitals trades: on the stock exchange or forex.

When I read statements of our stockbrokers about the "kitchens of Forex", these statements do not bring me anything but laughter. You are allowed to place limits in a market and you all (stockbrokers) think you are bigger than God! And you take the situation of HDI 2011, when ITInvest made its participant win 30 seconds (!!!!!!!!!) before the end of the contest, as an accident.

HFT-ki all other bidders fuck all the holes, while traders speculate about the EQUALITY of all participants in stock trading to the information. And HFT is pure INSIDE. Trading volume at the exchange (ours) is less than at more or less major brokerage companies on the Forex, i.e. liquidity at the exchange is times less than at a major brokerage company on the Forex. So what is the advantage of the exchange?

I didn't think it was necessary to educate you.

You are pulling knowledge and experience out of me. I start to tell, and then I get banned again, because discussion of brokers and brokerage companies is not allowed here...

The link in my post is at the top of this page. It's new, go ahead and read it. The essence of the following each brokerage house has a painful threshold (the amount you withdraw), as soon as you exceed it, problems begin...

I wrote my experience in my personal.


I didn't think it was necessary to educate you as well.

You're pulling knowledge and experience out of me. I start to tell you, and then I get banned again, because discussion of brokers and brokerage companies is forbidden here...

The link in my post is at the top of this page. It's new, go ahead and read it. The essence of the following each brokerage house has a painful threshold (the amount you withdraw), as soon as you exceed it, problems begin...

I wrote out my experience in my personal message.

Serega, Hi, send me also in your experience.
Serega, Hi, I would also like to share my experience.

Letpapaklass do the literacy work )))) Forward my messageto dentraf : (maybe someone else will ask for it too, send it).

Ifdentraf will not come in the evening, write in the personal - I will share.

If it's so simple, why isn't he a billionaire, why teach everyone here? I think it's pure PR for you-know-what and you-know-where. Banned forever, well, okay, it would seem, but no, it is eager to teach (attract customers). Even if you are as gullible as a 3-year-old, you will still have questions, unanswered, about wonderful tick-box charts and even more wonderful non-hand-made equity pictures... If you don't believe me, here's the link to the product, if you don't believe me, please listen to the lectures. For a fee, of course... Why are you so poor if you're so smart and don't shy away from paid lectures? I do not understand.
If it's so simple, then why not a billionaire, why teach everyone here? I think it's pure PR for you-know-what and you-know-where. Banned permanently, well, okay, it would seem, but no, they want to teach (attract customers). Even if you are as gullible as a 3-year-old, you will still have questions, unanswered, about wonderful tick-box charts and even more wonderful non-hand-made equity pictures... If you don't believe me, here's the link to the product, if you don't believe me, please listen to the lectures. For a fee, of course... Why are you so poor if you're so smart and don't shy away from paid lectures? I do not understand.

Once again, for those who are not aware. I don't give paid lectures. And I don't make a business out of it; I don't need it. Sometimes I take a pupil, one (and not everyone I take, and not often), and teach them how to trade profitably. To trade RTS futures hands. I sometimes get this urge, to tell someone, to teach him, I can afford it.

You may do things differently. You may never tell anyone anything. You may, on the contrary, as soon as you have built a good profitable system, start distributing it for free right and left, lay out the code, tell the trading idea, teach how to program, etc.. All for free, for nothing...

I made a screenshot of today's trading (at the time of writing the post). We are trading with my apprentice in parallel. We are learning to follow trading rules. Who knows this platform and trading drive. will understand what is here and how...


And paid lectures are available, so why hide it? Here we go again, PR for a paid product and an example of putting a pupil on the stake of that product...

What kind of manners are these? Why can't you just say that you are selling (link) and teaching (link)? Instead of shaming someone else's... Look how lame MT is, but look how great I have it, and I teach my students, and I don't need money, I'm a philanthropist...

And there are paid lectures, so why hide it? Here's again a PR for a paid product and an example of putting a student on the stake of the product...

I wonder what makes you think I have paid lectures...can't find where I have them lying around. Can you tell me? I can't see very well.

And as for the paid/free. Free cheese is in the mousetrap....

The entire fee has already been paid off 10 times since we started talking here.

+700 points from the previous screenshot.


1. i wonder what makes you think i have paid lectures...can't find where i have them lying around. Can you tell me? I can't see very well.

2... And about the paid/free... Free cheese is in the mousetrap....

3. All the money has already been paid off 10 times since we started talking here. +700 points from the previous screenshot.

1. A couple of months ago I was offered paid training. Memory: here I remember, here I do not remember?

2. Never argued that everything should be free. What I am saying is that you should always say openly and transparently that products and services have to be paid for. There is nothing shameful about that. There is also a shame in when the payment is concealed.

3. here we go. I see that the pupil is studying for a fee. OK, no questions. There are questions to "+700 points". Where is the monitoring? Where is the open statement "I teach profitable trading for a fee. Samples of such profitable trading you can see there and there. You may see samples of such profitable trading there and there... I am using MT to attract attention to my products and training programs".


1. A couple of months ago I was offered paid tuition. Memory: remember here, don't remember there?

2. I never claimed that everything should be free. What I am saying is that you should always say openly and transparently that products and services have to be paid for. There is nothing shameful about that. There is a shame in both when the payment is concealed.

3. here we go. I see the apprentice is a fee-paying student. OK, no questions. Questions are for "+700 points". Where is the monitoring? Where is the open statement "I teach profitable trading for a fee. Samples of such profitable trading you can see there and there. You may see samples of such profitable trading there and there... I am using MT to attract attention to my products and training programs".

1. Perhaps. I am approached by many people, I do not take everyone. And if you really came to me, then confirm that it was not me who sought you out and imposed something. You came to me and found out that I will not tutor you and tell you everything for free.

2. I did not hide the fact that Cuskalp is paid. I even gave an explanation here on the forum. As long as you learn to trade with it Qscalp on the history of the cup, it's free. And it's free for the first two weeks too. If you like it, you will want to trade real money with it, then in a fortnight it will be paid. Check with the developer. I only use tool that is very convenient for me personally in trading and training. 3.

3. Once again, I do not make a business out of it. I do not need advertising. I am much more profitable and do not get distracted from trading (someone's education or forum). I will take this trainee. The next one I will take in the summer or at the end of the year. Anyway, when the next bliss comes...

joo : Please don't look for commercial gain in my posts. I do it out of the goodness of my heart. I came to the forum to say thank you, share information and sometimes try to convince someone that he is mistaken (from my point of view). I will probably be gone again soon. Sometimes I write videos, put them on YouTube, that would be less annoying asking questions, what and how.


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