How to prevent cheating in the Market ? - page 4


They buy those who have money and do not want to do it themselves, or do not know how to order and how all such things go by trial and error. But since all the experts mostly do not give anything substantial except for plum, the purchase cools down quickly, and over time, and all this trade will leave the trust, even among suckers (though they say they are poor people who pay all their lives) ...While no one has abolished the laws of competition and therefore fraud in the promotion of goods - it is now at every step, despite a bunch of regulatory agencies ... Get your police and prosecutors on a separate site and expose all cheaters and their addresses and passwords - here it will probably not work - the sellers themselves will raise the heave-ho)))


They buy those who have money and do not want to do it themselves, or do not know how to order and how all such things go by trial and error. But since all the experts mostly do not give anything substantial except for plum, the purchase cools down quickly, and over time, and all this trade will leave the trust, even among suckers (though they say they are poor people who pay all their lives) ...While no one has abolished the laws of competition and therefore fraud in the promotion of goods - it is now at every step, despite a bunch of regulatory agencies ... Get your police and prosecutors on a separate site and expose all cheaters and their addresses and passwords - here you can most likely not succeed sellers themselves will raise the heave-ho)))

Sellers offer their version of the work, the customer can order their own version, everything is provided for and thought out, what is the consumer missing?
Vendors offer their variant of work, the customer can order his own variant, everything is provided for and thought through, what is the consumer missing?
Different consumers - someone a printing press, and who enough and 10% up to their ears, but the consumer must grow, educate well, or at least honest sales to lure interest, from the street no one will come - and us here judging by the content is small and boiling in their own juice, so to speak ...

А кто то купился на активацию, как на рейтинг

Don't speculate on who, what...

You look at the figures carefully in the two screenshots, there is a discrepancy, and if these are real figures and they reflect the process of promoting and using the product, just give a logical reasoning,

clearly and concisely why this is the case.


one activation one computer,

the number of activations, the number of computers you are allowed to use the product on after purchase.


As far as I know, if a product is at the top. and for quite a long time, it means it's being bought or scammed. Here's a great example of fraud on the market. product has been in the top for the second month, with zero rating and no reviews, 1000% cheating by changing the price to FREE, and downloading to leftist accounts.

Made from automatic screencaster at night, as I've been watching this product for a long time and see that not everything is clean here...

and this is during the day ...

wonder where the administration is looking...?


A graph of price changes would be helpful. On the main product page. For example, immediately below the "Download/Buy" button.

It would be easy to see what is what. If the graph is too volatile, it means that there is something wrong with the product.

And in general, the possibility of changing the price, imho, is redundant. All the more so when there is an opportunity to rent for less.


How interesting that's the topikstarrer's gralle .... Smells like some kind of scam ... and the price is definitely overpriced for a bot that costs a maximum of $ 100 ... And keep the top, too, as well as suspicious ))))

As the author said that the rent is not profitable, the results may be negative, but a year everything is fine ... probably here and tested the system of recruitment )))) Yeah ... I would have to remove this crap from the top ...

Looks like you are one of those petros sellers who want to make money from the top.... it's strange your mega product doesn't even have any reviews... your product has never been purchased for real money, has anyone ever bought it?

I personally still don't understand how the top is calculated.

There are products that are bought quite often, but they are not at the top but on page 2-3. Although they are bought very often.

And there are products that are rarely sold at all, but they are sometimes in the top :-)

There was the case of the first sale of a very cheap product - and it immediately hit the top. Naturally, sales then piled up. The product is from the top :-)

Not many people leave reviews, they usually write in a discussion saying "hey, cool product, keep it up". Why not in the reviews?

Date and purchase price in front of the review - a good idea. And also good if the review without words - simply by rating stars also will be shown. for example a blank review. so at least it is clear how many times you rated, for example bored to write something?

Changing the price is also a good option, especially from free to high price.

There's also the concept - stock, price cuts due to the frenzied drop in their currencies - the rising dollar, 90% are unable to buy at real prices.

Personally, I do discounts for my regular customers. and for example those who bought in my personal shop, but it is more convenient for me that he automatically receives updates, I bring the price down to a minimum of $ 10 and the customer buys.

And as for free and down to free - did not know.... Now everyone will run to do so in order to break into the top.

In general, the top seems to me somehow - not the way it is shown. It is better to rotate, otherwise they always show one thing, and for example a novelty graph does not exist. Or the best of the best ......... Although there have been many fights on this topic.