How to prevent cheating in the Market ? - page 6

If someone deletes my comments, please tell me which part of what I say violates the rules of this forum so that I don't repeat it next time.
Usually jiharko is spoiled by deletions.
It makes more sense to rank by reviews rather than by downloads. Because a downloader most likely does not know what the product is (if it is not a scam at all).

It would make more sense to add the TOP to the SIGNALS service, just add a column there:

Enter the name of the Expert Advisor you are trading with.

The name of the Expert Advisor should be exactly the same as the one used in the MetaTrader platform. Example: ExpertTradEA

In the Market place a filter on profitability of the Expert Advisor sold from statistics in the Signals service, by sales, rating by stars, price..... And let everyone choose as he wants.


Petros, do you always insult your interlocutors if they criticise you? Earlier in the Market, in the thread discussing your product, you immediately started towrite a complaintto Service Desk to get the critic blocked.

And who are these "critics": One who sent the most praise about the robot via e-mail, and wanted to get it for free or in installments, and it didn't work.

And then shows up in the discussions and shouts "Don't buy it", the robot is bad.

The other one, who is a cheap salesman, shows up and in the discussions shouts that I'm selling a "Cat in a poke". What were they discussing?


By the way, absolutely no wonder why your advisor has no reviews:

This, one of the renowned experts on the marketplace. He had his first review after 3.5 months.

Don't you know that it takes at least 3-6 months to evaluate an expert's work. And this is also not enough.


The price is overpriced(?), and the use of an extremely dangerous algorithm for "jumping up" to the price, i.e.After 2-3 drawdowns the lot is multiplied up to 50 times, after that it is enough for a small price movement towards profit and immediate exit with +4 points.But the position may be limited by market orders. How many points can the price reach in 300-500 ms? Well, the tester shows such higher numbers, IMHO.Everything written above is very subjective and is based on running owls in the tester.

If you are so smart, it would be good if you show your talent not here, and not by words, and on the real. All these tester musings of yours, are based on report data, and on visual perception.

I have just explained this to others:

Some try to understand the algorithm of the program, but it is impossible to do so. For example, when we look at the football played by Bayern, it looks like they are not doing anything special, they are playing regular football, but for some reason they are winning a lot.

My programme at a glance also does nothing ordinary, and it is as if what it does is known to everyone. It is, as is the example of Bayern.

P.S. The moderator deletes my comments, and for some reason does not delete those comments that discuss my programme, if there are other places for that.

And I would like to add that if someone is breaking the law, you should shout "Stop, I will shoot" first, if you do not obey Shoot up and then shoot at the target.

And you, dear B., immediately wipe out the violators. And that is not the way to do it ! :)


And who are these "critics": One who emailed the most laudatory words about the robot, and wanted to get it for free or in instalments, and didn't get it.

And then shows up in the discussions and shouts "Don't buy it", the robot is bad.

The other one, who is a cheap salesman, shows up, and in the discussions shouts that I am selling a "Cat in a poke". What were they discussing?

This, one of the renowned experts on the marketplace. He had his first review after 3.5 months.

Don't you know that it takes at least 3-6 months to evaluate an expert's work. And that is not enough either.

If you are so smart, it will be good if you show your talent not here, and not in words, but in real life. All these tester musings of yours, are based on report data, and on visual perception.

I have just explained this to others:

Some try to understand the algorithm of the program, but it is impossible to do so. For example, when we look at the football played by Bayern, it looks like they are not doing anything special, they are playing regular football, but for some reason they are winning a lot.

My programme at a glance also does nothing ordinary, and it is as if what it does is known to everyone. It is, as is the example of Bayern.

P.S. The moderator deletes my comments, and for some reason does not delete those comments that discuss my programme, if there are other places for that.

And I would like to add that if someone is breaking the law, you should shout "Stop, I will shoot" first, if you do not obey Shoot up and then shoot at the target.

And you, dear B., immediately wipe out the violators. And that's not the way to do it ! :)

You shouldn't do that. Deleted the comment, so the moderator found what for. And you publish it again. That could get you banned.

I didn't delete it, but there's a blurb.


You shouldn't have done that. Deleted the comment, so the moderator found it. And you post it again. That's a long way down the line.

ZS. I didn't delete it, but there's advertising.

So delete them all.

And I said thank you to the moderator and changed the text.


ZS. I didn't delete it, but there's advertising.

You probably don't have glasses and can't see who and what is advertising at the top, he stuck his nose in my discussion, and now he's come here.

Why didn't you delete him. !?


Apparently there are some cheats in the marketplace. Here is one example of this scam.

Someone sells an expert for $11, he himself through his acquaintances buys it, acquaintances write fake reviews,raise the product rating, and as soon as the product hits the top, raise the price 9-10 times, creating the illusion that they got there by selling with the same value, and with reviews.

And those who haven't seen the old price can buy the same cheap product, very expensive, not to mention the quality of the product. And that product with the old reviews shows up at the top.

All this can be determined very easily from the dates when the product was created, when it was updated, when the reviews were written, and when the price was raised. And some sellers, with such tawdry techniques and with cheating, want to make money.

The question arises:how can we prevent such machinations?

I suggest that if the price of a product is raised above a certain percentage, it should be as a new product, with empty discussion and review sections.

* P.S. I think someone will come along now and start proving that it's me who's cheating and he's a saint :)

You just have to have experience... or outright caca will die, with the "woods are cut, woods are cut" attitude.

learn guys, be experts... the market is alive... but it doesn't change the basic rule of 5%+ to 95%-



Apparently there are some cheats in the market.

And there's something rotten in Denmark.

Isn't the administration itself the reason for this?

I don't understand the administration's point of view.

A new developer shows up, puts in a product.

Market administration tries to chop his head off so he doesn't show up on the marketanymore

Doesn't the market administration get its salary from sales on the Market?

Strange people, in short.


I think mpg who wrote this post, wants to hurt and slander the authorof Petros for some reason. mpg acts dirty and sneaky.

Look closely at the first screenshot - it looks fake.

My guess is that the fraudster inaccurately superimposed one image on the other. That's why the line, which should be the same thickness along its entire length, is somehow wider at the top.


UPD: A little late with my post, but let it be as another confirmation...