For major banks Considering job offers as a trader at your bank - page 10


And as the height of censorship, speculators create topics like this at the most inopportune times:

Very good guys.

Here's a read, enlighten yourself:

Откуда берутся тренды? Или почему цена движется — взгляд изнутри
Откуда берутся тренды? Или почему цена движется — взгляд изнутри
Всем привет. Наверняка вы не раз задавились вопросом: «Почему цены на графике движутся?» Ведь есть продавец, есть покупатель, они совершили сделку — все довольны. С чего бы цене расти или падать? Ведь если вы покупаете в магазине хлеб, это не заставляет цены на хлеб расти. В чем здесь секрет? Или это часть мирового заговора? Что от нас скрывают...
It's all right with you. I'm not wasting my time with you.
It's all right with you. I'm not wasting my time on you.
Spend it wisely! ;)

How would you like to be a trader at a big bank? They're really looking for traders like you.
The market maker has to make a profit, that's what drives him. He will make it at the expense of importers/exporters. And the number of speculators does not affect the spread, it affects the number of market makers.
Let us abstract from the above and assume that everything is as you say. If I understood correctly, the major players are exporters/importers and market makers. So everything happens in the following way - the exporter sells the product for foreign currency and decides to exchange it for his country's currency. Through a fund? Let's assume. There is a certain amount of sell orders in the fund. The share of the speculators does not matter and it does not influence anything. The exporter does not care about the current price and just buys the needed volume from the market maker. In the case of the importer, it is exactly the opposite.

So who are the "speculators" then? Where are they? How do they participate in this process and with what volumes? Or their volumes are so small that they cannot influence the price?

For Major Banks Considering job offers as a trader at your Bank

pavlick_, 2015.03.04 20:29

The speculator is superfluous in this scheme (stock market doesn't count).

And why the stock market does not count? Are there other laws there? Is there a completely different price there? And there is no opportunity for the same speculators and market makers to make a profit on this distortion?

a great offer...


There can be much talk about how market makers make money.

But, assume the following:

there are two big bags of unrestricted money in the world, one of which is permanently bidirectional and the other of which is on the offere.

The drained deposits are the profits of this system. The small percentage of those earning all the time, does not hinder this process in any way.

You must have seen how the gold sand is washed)


There can be much talk about how market makers make money.

But, assume the following:

there are two big bags of unrestricted money in the world, one of which is permanently bidirectional and the other of which is on the offere.

The drained deposits are the profits of that system. The small percentage of those earning all the time, does not hinder this process in any way.

You must have seen how the gold sand is washed)

What is a bid and an offerer?
What are bid and offer?
In the tumbler, all buy bids are bid, offer bids are sell bids.





What's wrong with opening a PAMM, say?

Or is there too little money there? And the investor is picky - he wants deep statistics, you see.

But there is a super plus - you are your own boss and master. This is the real thrill of private trading.

A trader at a bank is, after all, a hired job.