F - page 13


Maybe I don't understand it, but I think balance is self-defeating and deceptive to others.

Why do you keep silent about what your equity is? What good is a balance, it's money you don't have)

it's okay. don't blame yourself. it's not just you who doesn't understand the topicstarter.
It's okay, don't blame yourself. it's not just you who don't understand the topicstarter.
Although, judging by the survey, the majority do not understand what's what. but that is a subjective reality, and the topicstarter is subjective like everyone else, he believes that everyone who thinks he is wrong is wrong, as he is right. the subjectivity of subjective opinions about the market leads to the fact that every individual in the market thinks they follow the market, that they "feel" the market. as a result, 95% of the time the market feels everyone who thinks they feel the market. that is the nature of the market, it spins on its reality of subjectivistically minded individuals.
Although, judging by the survey, most people do not understand what's going on. But this is a subjective reality, and the topicstarter is as subjective as everyone else, he thinks that everyone who thinks he is wrong is wrong as he is right. the subjectivity of subjective opinions about the market leads to the fact that every individual in the market thinks they follow the market, that they "feel" the market. the result is that 95% of the time the market feels everyone who thinks they feel the market. that is the nature of the market, it spins on its reality of subjectivistically minded individuals.

A person needs a state of mental comfort, everyone achieves this in their own way, one needs to be offended by the world around them, the other needs to assert themselves among other individuals.

It has nothing to do with trade (work). That's why there are a dozen or so tractors that crawl on a minefield, see if anyone crawls to the finish line and then you can beat your chest and assert yourself.

Maybe I'm doing the same thing here.)


A person needs a state of mental comfort, everyone achieves this in their own way, one needs to be offended by the world around them, the other needs to assert themselves among other individuals.

It has nothing to do with trade (work). That's why there are a dozen or so tractors that crawl on a minefield, see if anyone crawls to the finish line and then you can beat your chest and assert yourself.

I may be doing the same thing here).

There is an opinion that everyone is doing the same here. As my chemistry teacher used to say: "Kick yourself afterwards, Andrew..." after failing a class, although I was the best in chemistry in the class... We are all the best at something, and we want to stay that way forever. But the one who earns more is right when he thinks he's right. But it's not going to be the one who is, sorry, below the plinth in terms of equity.

Maybe I don't understand it, but I think balance is self-defeating and deceptive to others.

Why do you keep silent about your equity? What good is a balance, it's money you don't have)

"glossing over" ??? What kind of bullshit is this? What's with all this harassment? Open up the monitor and look into it - you'll see everything -- both equity and a lot of other account information. That's first of all.

Secondly, I consider balance, not equity, because I think it is the right thing to do. Much has been said on this subject in many different ways. I have my own opinion on the matter and I do what I do based on that.

Third, if you think "balance is self-deception and deception of others", nothing prevents you from making a work on equity that you think is "not self-deception and deception of others", and look at it yourself and show it to others.

Fourthly, maybe you really don't understand anything, if you think that balance is a self-deception and deception of others...


Oleg... OK, I agree. The collapse was, and all that was before it let's forget (although there was a normal acceleration, it's a pity I didn't fix it).

We forgot and started again not with five, but with two quid. Alrighty. The main thing is not to start anew after each collapse, but to take into account the entire trading history. Let's forget about the first collapse, since you tweaked something in the code... (you still haven't answered me anything about the McDuck you have in your past indicators code, not explicitly, but the formulas for calculations are the same)

"... I wish I'd fixed it" --- fixing it is early, premature. It will be a little later, in the second stage.

"You didn't give me any feedback about McDuck that you have in your old indicators code, not explicitly, but the formulas are the same " --- recall the MACD definition, what kind of a thing it is. And everything will fall into place.


"hushed up" ???... What kind of nonsense is that? What's with all this harassment? Open up the monitor and look into it -- you'll see everything -- equity and a lot of other account information. That's first of all.

Secondly, I consider balance, not equity, because I think it is the right thing to do. Much has been said on this subject in many different ways, and there is no sense in rehashing the story. I have my own opinion on the matter and I do what I do based on that.

Third, if you think "balance is self-deception and deception of others", nothing prevents you from making a work on equity that you think is "not self-deception and deception of others", and look at it yourself and show it to others.

Fourthly, maybe you really don't understand anything, if you think that balance is a self-deception and deception of others...

OK, calculate the balance, but you have to agree that if you have to close everything to fix the profit, it's not the equity that rushes to the balance, but the balance will fall to the level of equity. So if you calculate the daily profit as a percentage, try to subtract yesterday's equity from the current one, which is a real profit, and not operate with money you do not have. Yes, I was watching your monitoring, and I remember that when you were happily counting your virtual balance sheet profit, your money was moving in the other direction. This is what self-delusion is all about.

"... I wish I'd fixed it" --- it's too early, premature. It will be a little later, in the second stage.

"You didn't answer me anything about McDUCK, which you have in the code of your past indicators, not explicitly, but the formulas are the same" --- remember the MACD definition, what kind of a thing it is. And everything will fall into place.

About fixing - was it too early? If you had, there would have been no leakage. By the way...

Oleg, I know what the beast macd is, but you, maybe without knowing it, did exactly that. Check out the macd calculation formulas, and look into your own. I'm talking about your past indicators, you don't know what you've done now.


The purpose of this experiment is not at all clear.

If you run 100 tractors, one of them will 100% fulfil its purpose, similar to a gun which, even if not loaded, will go off at the end of the play.

You are really engaging in self-deception.

Well, the hell with the piles of tractors. Suppose you have achieved your goal. What for? What's next? Why this thread and 13 pages of discussion? Understand, I have nothing against it. I just want to understand the meaning of what is happening.

There are not 100 tractors in the works now, but one tractor. So it is the only one in the field that can, and must, fire. So the analogy with guns is inappropriate here. Yes, a lot had to be done to make this tractor able to fire, to create and test many previous designs, modify them, add, remove, etc.Maybe you remember the magazine Inventor and Rationalizer (I&R). It doesn't exist nowadays. And in vain... I hope the purpose of my experiments has become a little clearer.

Your opinion"You're really engaging in self-delusion" -- that's exactly your opinion. I have my own opinion that differs from your opinion.

I'm reaching my goal. Don't you understand, "why?"... And "what's next?" -- life will tell.

Don't blame yourself. You're not the only one who doesn't understand.
You should use your knowledge in the field of ACS, which you mentioned more than once, --- maybe you would understand what I'm talking about...