FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 999


Where's the monitoring? I've already heard a lot about all sorts of mash-ups and tester scales. And like monitoring - and the drain is blazing fast. )))

mashki)))) recalled his youth, made a few jokes, but for money))))

they're a dead end - they're not suitable for an automatic weapon))))

will be monitored, let me try it out a little) even though it's a penny, it's still a pity

ok. when will the euras pop, because it's about time ... and we haven't eaten?)

I'm selling the pound


I'm selling the pound

and gold, too. It's not bad gut feeling.
))) Yeah, last night, last night and this morning +20% )))
Probably a $1 deposit.
You must have a deposit of $1.
You're insulting)))) 100 bucks ))))))) if it was a dollar, I'd be over the moon)))))) 20x, oh I can't, I'm going to fall out of my chair laughing))))


Where's the million?

Well, there it is! A ready-made scheme:

1. 100
2. 110
3. 121
4. 133,1
5. 146,41
6. 161,051
7. 177,1561
8. 194,87171
9. 214,358881
10. 235,7947691
11. 259,37424601
12. 285,311670611
13. 313,8428376721
14. 345,22712143931
15. 379,749833583241
16. 417,7248169415651
17. 459,4972986357216
18. 505,4470284992938
19. 555,9917313492231
20. 611,5909044841455
21. 672,74999493256
22. 740,024994425816
23. 814,0274938683976
24. 895,4302432552374
25. 984,9732675807611
26. 1083,470594338837
27. 1191,817653772721
28. 1310,999419149993
29. 1442,099361064992
30. 1586,309297171492
31. 1744,940226888641

Roughly 1700% per month. Or 580,000 in 93 days.
I won't believe it until I check! 1$ with a leverage of 100 is exactly equal to 100$ on deposit and the wallet will still be 1$
So there it is! A ready-made diagram:


Roughly 1700% a month. Or 580,000 in 93 days.
In a month - 20 days or so should be taken, everyone would be ploughing on weekends)
In a month - 20 days or so should be taken, everyone would be ploughing at weekends)
spent :-D
It's 3rd grade in a parochial school, as Strenger says. Do the math with a column, you'll get it, I'm sure.
Don't mess with the millionaires)))) Made 120 or so in three months and happy, and here's 10 a day))) Every day)))))))