FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1000

In a month - 20 days or so, we'd all have to work weekends)

Ha, first one on 1000 pages.

You're a workaholic, you should be in our crew.

You're a workaholic, you should be in our team.
no, i can't work with a microscope) you'll drive me into a coffin on the second day of work already))))
Don't get in the way of millionaires)))) Made 120 or so in three months and happy, here's 10 a day))) Every day)))))))
That's a master's school, you should go to him and study.
Don't get in the way of millionaires)))) Made 120 or so in three months and here's 10 a day))) Every day)))))))
A hard percentage is already a grade 8 parish :-D

Ha, the first one on 1,000 pages.

You're a workaholic, you should be in our crew.

Oh, what a branch Strange has made !!!!.

I'm forwarding congratulations to Strange.))

Don't get in the way of millionaires)))) In three months I've made 120 or so and I'm happy, and here's 10 a day))) Every day)))))))

and I'll have two wrapped, too =)

By the way =) my gut shows a pullback in the eu at 1.1....... dibs on me... dibs on me...

we should do like on 4 by month..... let's finish this one and we should open a new branch... it will take a long time to find the posts from the past.


and I'll have two wrapped, too =)

By the way =) my gut is showing a pullback on the eu at 1.1.... dibs on me... dibs on me...

the bulls are really pissed off today :-D

and I'll have two wrapped, too =)

By the way =) my gut is showing a pullback in the eu at 1.1....... dibs on me... dibs on me...

we should do like on 4 by month..... let's finish this one and we should open a new branch... it's a long time to look in the past posts (=

if you have a gut, so does your memory. searching is useless, i use my memory)
the steers are really going wild today :-D
I wish I could, but I've stalled in the positive area so far) (when will Kolyan get drunk and start pulling prices???)