FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 78

My cries, what was the coven here last night?)))

Indices have a pullback (SSE, DJE, Esk)

Strategist metals have scored further declines, others are probing the bottom. Who wanted to, stocked up as much as they wanted to.

The doll will play around, the gap will close, then we'll see.

Expensive dollar is a double-edged sword, the U.S. is losing on exports.

As for parity. The euras have been freely allowed into the risk zone and the end of the 7 year cycle is still six months away. I don't know what they'll decide. I don't believe it, but I wouldn't rule it out.

ps the quid index.


Euro goodbye, time to go home...

СМИ узнали о подготовке Германии к возможному выходу Греции из еврозоны
СМИ узнали о подготовке Германии к возможному выходу Греции из еврозоны
Германия готовит резервные планы действий на случай возможного выхода Греции из еврозоны. Об этом в среду пишет Bild со ссылкой на неназванные правительственные источники. Одним из опасений немецкого правительства является возможный банковский крах. Собеседники издания рассказали, что правительство Германии прорабатывает сценарии на случай...

Oil is 50 exactly.

And Tuma, does he drink or smoke? )))))


I do this:


At the same time, maximum drawdown of more than 50-80% is allowed, if it meets the above requirements. With a drawdown of less than 20% you won't make any money in forex - you'll only lose money.

There you go =)))

Какую просадку вы считаете допустимой ?
Какую просадку вы считаете допустимой ?
Для своей торговли и для выбора советника. - - Категория: эксперты форекс, торговые роботы и советники
Yusuf Hoxha has gone too far, such a slump might not be survivable one day)))
My tears, what a coven was here last night))))

At night... New Year's Eve :-)



Euro goodbye, time to go home...

No one gives a shit about Greece, it's a dead weight. They will get another loan in dollars, no one will let them out of debt. And with their GDP, they are like biscuits to the EU.

Vaughn, someone from the Baltics is going to introduce the euro, they will divide it by 0 and goodbye.

If they reach 1.15, the next target is 0.9.

After the holidays we should take a closer look.

Didn't Father Christmas take the ghost? Forgot, old... heh.

At night... It's New Year's Eve :-)

No one gives a shit about Greece, it's ballast. They will get another loan in dollars, no one will let them out of debt anyway. And with their GDP they are like biscuits to the EU.

Vaughn, someone from the Baltics is going to introduce the euro, they will divide it by 0 and goodbye.

If they reach 1.15, the next target will be 0.9.

After the holidays we should have a closer look.

0.9 is the target for the year 17-18.
0.9 is the target year for 17-18.

Okay. That's fine for 17 or 18. Good toast.

Only it's the second half of a 60-year cycle. Sort of. I don't remember the dates. I.e. if there is a new spiral from 2008, the eu should not fall below 1.

I've come up with a new rule in geo-economics.

0 divided by 0 = 0.0.
