FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 36

Pako, let me use it. I promise to report the results.
I have a problem with the search of working levels...........vlom to find them by hand all the time, because regularly, for various reasons, I change templates..........a to those indukes, which are available, something I do not trust.

Use it, I'll add more.

Do you have the software?

В Китае предотвратили групповое самоубийство инвесторов
В Китае предотвратили групповое самоубийство инвесторов
  • 2015.01.04
Полиция в Китае остановила попытку по меньшей мере 12 человек совершить коллективное самоубийство. На такой шаг группа инвесторов собиралась пойти после того, как их обманул венчурный фонд, отмечает Xinhua. В воскресенье, 4 января, эти люди поднялись на крышу шестиэтажного административного здания в городском округе Шочжоу в Северном Китае и...
Eurochka is dangling at the support.
Thank you !
The normal opening is 1.1865)
Eurochka is dangling by the support.
Thanks !

yep, yep....!!!

The GEP has been a real pain in the ass...

Hi all! How's it going?) What's yo... on? )))) Greece?? "They should have gone with a suitcase"!)
Hey everybody! How's it going?) What are you on?

another doubling of the deposit...

how are you?


another doubling of the deposit...

how's that going for you?

I'm fine )) waiting for February 4)) shopping ...
it's ok )) waiting for february 4)) shopping...
what does that date have to do with it?