FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 706


Well, go through the rankings then - see how much is invested! (And where to! because they'll leak it)

Hey, why isn't the pound going up? (if you don't put stops - then put lots! or you'll lose the last demo)

if it's going down, you don't need to trade, pick oranges, grow flowers....
If it's falling for you, you don't need to trade, pick oranges, grow flowers....
when it starts to fall for you, it's time for me to close )))))

the cunning! there were a couple of gurus in the euroflood in alps - well, they knew everything (and they earned it! one house in Germany) And they opened pams (they even opened one) - immediately and inexorable slifff - the wallpaper disappeared ((((.

(Sagittarius and Alpha were such nicknames)
when it starts falling for you, it's time for me to close )))))
Get the kids together and perform, I've been watching this clownery for the seventh year))))))))))))))))))))))))
Get the kids together and perform, I've been watching this clownery for seven years now))))))))))))))))))))))))
and every time it's the same - it's time to remember (if I sell, it goes down if I buy...)
and it's the same every time - it's time to remember (if I sell, it goes down if I buy...)

I know.

Thank you.
Thank you.
Come again)
Come again)
Always happy to help.