FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 699

sometimes i wish i could read

the problem of this trader "speculator" (so to speak) is that you should not only be able to forecast successfully but also trade your forecast + from time to time any forecast needs correction and most importantly understand where and how its forecast lines appear...

here's a rough guide


The problem of the trader "speculator" (so to say) is that you should not only be able to forecast successfully but also trade your forecast + from time to time any forecast needs adjustments and most importantly understand where and how its prediction lines appear...

here's a rough guide

And also if you know that no one sells it ...

The problem of the trader "speculator" (so to say) is that you should not only be able to forecast successfully but also trade your forecast + from time to time any forecast needs adjustments and most importantly understand where and how its prediction lines appear...

here's a rough guide

do you have a problem? - then we are coming to you )))))
Also, if you know that no one is selling it...
I sold it! Are you stupid?
And also if you know that no one is selling it ...
Sad... Then who to buy it from? )
Sad... Then who to buy it from? )

From Sensei and a couple of Chicago collective farmers))))

And also when you know that no one is selling it ...

that's fine, but when you don't know the volume of trades every day, every week.... you know which trades are preferable, that's when it's accurate.


that's fine, but when you don't know the volume of trades every day, every week.... you know which trades are preferable, that's when it's accurate.

You're swimming a little, but when you don't know anything because the price is on a trend line, that's when it's)))))))))))))))))))))))
do you have a problem? - then we are coming to you )))))

Первые признаки шизофрении | Шизофрения |
Первые признаки шизофрении | Шизофрения |
В представлении обычного человека давно сформирован образ душевнобольного, опасного для окружающих человека, которого необходимо изолировать от общества. В последние годы данный стереотип претерпел изменений; сейчас общество ориентируется на оказание помощи больным психически. Однако, невзирая на это, к шизофрении по-прежнему осталось особое...
You're swimming a little, but when you don't know anything, because the price is on a trend line, that's a yes)))))))))))))))))))))))

No way, the market doesn't even know why it's stuck, it's stuck because we drew a trend line