FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 35

Yeah, I found it. Last time I saw another site, there was an "s" in it. I don't get it.
I do not write there anything complicated, bid, ask, Settle, it's all elementary, all the habor that oppis..., obpis... outlined).
By the way, very interesting situation on the yen, the people are in sales, they won't tolerate it for long, they will turn it around.
see the "Strike Range" switch at the top - 3 types of plate, there are different put-ins and call-ins too. They're 2 types.
Why do you need European ones? You guys should read about it, it'll help you get rid of a lot of questions. And what kind of dynamics did you want on Sunday? If we talk about periods longer than a day, as Myth, for example, showed, then count, build charts.
I don't write anything complicated there, bid, ask, Settle it's all elementary, all the habor with this oppis..., oppis... outlined)
on the middle?
What do you need European ones for? You guys should read about it and a lot of questions will disappear. And what dynamics did you want on Sunday? If we are talking about periods longer than a day, as Myth, for example, showed, then count and make charts.

I can make a request for history, not only for what is published now. i will make the dynamics as an indicator, a line in short. i will calculate and make a prediction line. then it will be good if it coincides with the price.

But don't the Europeans have any effect? They have to come true sometime...


Yeah, but they have been counting gdp differently than everyone else for a year now.(in the standard calculation they are in recession) and the foreign debt is over 120%

The wars will cancel their debts and the state of GDP does not matter, as the dollar is not geographically bound.

It's counting correctly now, but the data is from last week.

There's still some work to be done.


It's counting correctly now, but the data is from last week.

There's still some work to be done.

Pako, will you let me use it? I promise to report back with the results.
Pako, let me use it. I promise to report back with the results.
О! That's a great nickname! Don't change it... and don't throw it under the train....
Pako, let me use it. I promise to report back with the results.

Use it, I'll add more.

Do you have the software?