FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 2118


That's the point, if there were buyers, the quid would go down.

p.s. maybe he's working on mm? ....

Show me some positions on the eu at least...

there'll be oohtysh - moonshiners today...

I'll buy an Audi inexpensively, at 7300.

Let's move on, the hangups are getting to be a pain in the ass)

FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015(продолжение)
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015(продолжение)
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015(продолжение). - - Категория: общее обсуждение
Buy Audi inexpensive, at 7300.
Buy Euro 1.08
But why?

Hi there !


What about the Eurochka? Can you show me the picture?

You'll laugh, but I have a 1.09 bye.

And in general you can buy it without waiting for 1.09 a little bit.

Thanks !


Anyway, same song, who didn't have time to sell the Euro, not my fault, went short on it

and everyone who sells the quid will be shorted

will the euro sellers be slammed at 1.0853 ?


You need to sell here and now...

Good afternoon gentlemen traders!

Hi there !
Can anyone tell me why I'm not in the ranking of the Alps Virtual Reality Contest?

I'm supposed to be on the list, but I'm not.
Or maybe I'm doing it wrong ?

Thanks !
Hi there !
Can anyone tell me why I'm not in the ranking of the Alps "Virtual Reality" contest?

I'm supposed to be on the list, but I'm not.
Or maybe I'm doing it wrong ?

Thanks !

Fibs try it. What do you think?