FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1764

Server Muradasilov:
Everybody works for themselves and their money. Why do you want to know how many traders work in the black on this forum?

"On the plus side" is not the main criterion.

I am referring to traders who live solely from trading.

Banks have traders, but their job is to buy and sell for the benefit of the bank's clients, who are usually legal entities. They are intraday traders who collect currency for the client at the most favourable price for the bank.
I don't quite understand you Alex, about clients and intradayers?
Server Muradasilov:

Again, you need a monthly salary to live on. If it is 50,000 roubles a month, they need a million roubles in their account. With this amount one can trade with moderate risks. All the rest is risk - runaway deposits.

1. If they do not have such an amount, they will have to pay it back.

2. Not everyone dares to deposit such an amount on one account, with one broker.

3. most importantly, it is a constant headache with the family, in any case, you will be a pain in the neck - you will earn money, less time for the family, you will lose even worse (everyone will have a nervous breakdown).

As a matter of fact, a very small percentage of traders live by trading. We are all mainly trying (dreaming) to make a deposit, and then according to the script.

That's an interesting opinion. It's a real life view. Thank you.

"On the plus side" is not the main criterion.

I am referring to traders who live solely from trading.

According to my observations, people who are registered in this thread - about 5-10 people live solely off trading. From all over the forum, you can count 50 plus people - including those who have been banned or just rarely show up here (I mean, they read, but rarely write - that's in all sections of the resource)
Server Muradasilov:
I don't quite understand you Alex, about clients and intraday traders?
I am talking about speculation between a client and a bank. The bank collects orders and executes them at a price profitable to the bank, naturally currency is bought against the orders through forex.
I am talking about speculation between the client and the bank. legal entities - bank clients sell and buy currency not from forex, but through a pad in the form of a bank. The bank collects bids and executes them at a price profitable to the bank, of course currency is bought against the bids through forex.
I know one thing - why a lot of banks in Russia were shut down - black cache :) . There is a person who enters the management, or the management itself puts him in charge and this person organizes the "site". For instance, you build a house and get money through bank transfers, but workers have to pay their salaries in cash. You make an agreement with the "platform" about the bank's interest, you transfer a lot of money, they deposit it at a certain time and receive a positive swap. They cash it out to you - they make a profit in the form of a swap + you earn interest.
Server Muradasilov:
According to my observations, everyone in this thread has 5-10 people who live solely off trading.
Thank you. Could you tell me their nicknames?
Thank you. Could you tell me their nicknames?

Absolutely not, they will show themselves if they want to.

Talker :)

Server Muradasilov:

Absolutely not, they will show themselves if they want to.

Beseder :)

(chuckles): Okay. I hope they do.
OK. Hopefully they'll write back.
You want to invest in someone who's already making money?