FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1214


You can only learn something through your own observations and guided by the analysis of statistics you have personally collected.

You would agree that it is no fun at all if it were that simple. You have to calculate, think, work, make an effort. And finally get great pleasure from the work done and the results obtained. )))

We are not chicks who have to chew everything up and spit it in our mouths. It's disgusting. )))

Flap your wings, fly, peck, chew yourself. )))

♪ yeah, let's reinvent the bike ♪
knock and no one will open the door - they've rewritten the old testament.

Like in the hen house - peck the one closest to you, pile on the one below
yeah let's reinvent the bike
knock and they won't open the door - the old testament's been rewritten

You are misinterpreting the wisdom of the ancestors. )))

It means: "Knock on the doors of the libraryof endlessgalaxy associations with effort and the truth and results will become available to you".

Not: "Knock with your head invading other people's personal space being fed up, fattened, cocky and lazy, expecting to be given what you need too, just because you really want more of what is vital. )))


You are misinterpreting the wisdom of the ancestors. )))

It means: "Knock on the doors of the libraryof endlessgalaxy associations with effort and the truth and results will become available to you".

Not: "Knock with your head invading other people's personal space being fed up, fattened, cocky and lazy, expecting to be given what you need too, just because you really want more of what is vital. )))

You're more like the fatted one - with an inflated ego. Why am I so clever and clever to post information here? Let them run around looking for it, like I did back in the day.

Well, you're not the only one on earth! Somebody else will.
Rather fattened is you - with an inflated ego. What am I so clever about? Why am I so clever? Let them run around looking for it, like I did back in the day.

Well, you're not the only one on earth! Somebody else will.

Amazing display of laziness. ))

I don't think anyone will reveal anything to you. Unless it's something of little value. Instead of waiting, start working and learning on your own or you could wait your whole life and never get anything. )))

I shared what I thought was right. And I still have more to share with the community, but it will come later. And it will be tools for those who like to work and develop limitlessly. It will be delicious. But you will have to chew it yourself. ;)


Amazing display of laziness. ))

I don't think anyone will reveal anything to you. Unless it's something of little value. Instead of waiting, start working and learning on your own or you could wait your whole life and never get anything. )))

I shared what I thought was right. And I still have more to share with the community, but it will come later. And it will be tools for those who like to work and develop limitlessly. It will be delicious. But you will have to chew it yourself. ;)

Just like Popov didn't open the radio to the public...

I'm not lazy to knock. Lazy is for you to open the door!

Be more specific. So you just saw what they were doing, but you did not see what and how they analysed and based on what they made their decision?

If so, you cannot say that the methods they use are the same as the ones we use. And so the results may be completely different.

If you don't even know what they are analysing and how they are analysing it, and you don't know what we are analysing, how can you say anything? )))

Why are you picking on Eidler?)

Everyone does what he wants.

Strange does it, someone else doesn't.

just like Popov didn't open the radio to the public...

I'm not lazy to knock. Lazy is for you to open the door!

Besides, what is an ego? It's a sense of self-importance. I don't think it's inflated, because I've always been very critical of myself. Equally, both to myself and to others, which allows me to say that I am no more inflated than others. So let me give you an assessment of your ego in relation to mine.

You have a much more inflated one than I do. )) I am not the one who comes to your door, trying to make you think that you owe me something. You are the one who is accusing me and trying to humiliate me and make me feel that I owe you everything. Shame on you. )))


Why are you picking on Eidler?)

Everyone does what they want.

Strange can do it, some can't.

I wasn't picking on him. I was talking to him. I enjoyed it. It was funny not getting a straight answer. But I got one using my own methods. )))

Besides, what is an ego? It's a sense of self-importance. I don't think it's inflated, because I've always been very critical of myself. Equally, both to myself and to others, which allows me to say that I am no more inflated than others. So let me give you an assessment of your ego in relation to mine.

You have a much more inflated one than I do. )) I'm not the one who bangs down your door trying to make you think that you owe me something. You are the one who is accusing me and trying to humiliate me and make me feel that I owe you everything. Shame on you. )))


It's not me. It's the universe. ))

That's how the algorithm works. Imagine if people only got everything ready-made all the time with absolutely no effort at all. I think if that were the case, we'd be left at a single-cell level.

So think. Pump not only your biceps, but your brain as well. Not your spinal... Pump your 100 billion neurons. )))