FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1150


super-secret ts:

I'd buy for 4615-20 today, would you sell it?)))

Got it squeezed?)))


I'd buy for 4615-20 today, would you sell it?)))

You got it?)))

I'm still selling, so you can buy.
I'm still selling, so you can buy.
At 4,620, I'll give you the dough right now.)
At 4620, let's go, I'll give you the bubbles right now)))
Why not 1.4634?

Personally, I look at the way a stockbroker deals with balances. if something has gone wrong (a calculation error) - he scatters in the corners easily....

these guys are pretty tough after all....

Another conspiracy? World behind the scenes? Capitalism with a shark's grin?
Another conspiracy? World behind the scenes? Capitalism with a shark's grin?
Put the quid in the piggy bank! ((( (Not for traders. You have bought it - fine, now sell it...)
Why not 1.4634?
That's yesterday's price, it's no longer relevant)
Yeah )))) It's almost midnight, but Herman is still not there )))) The prog shows buying, the oscillator shows selling )))) Although the prog is smarter, the oscillator is more stubborn )))
Yeah )))) It's almost midnight, but Herman is still not there )))) The prog shows buying, the oscillator shows selling )))) Although the prog is smarter, the oscillator is more stubborn.)
If the euro, there is nowhere to sell, the pound has more margin downwards. And they themselves do not know what to do today.)
Yeah )))) It's almost midnight, but Herman is still not there )))) The prog shows buying, the oscillator shows selling )))) Although the program is smarter, the oscillator is more stubborn ))))
Herman is busy with his bazooka. I don't know what he is doing there (?), yesterday there was more action ....... balance is 0,1% up, then down ...