FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 2058

Feelings are mixed, on the one hand I took a take at 0.6kts and on the other hand a couple of pips didn't make it to the order and now the overlap is going against me...
Hooray! I thought that was it - it's not drawing anymore.
that's it, we'll see in the morning)))

Romanovsky, if it's that simple and clear, then go sew sacks of dough)

Stolnikov, your questions and requests baffle me. Go up to a surgeon who has been studying for six years and then scrubbed hospital floors for a couple more years and ask him to teach you how to do operations, then look at his eyes. That's about the same reaction. So guys, don't ask stupid questions, I won't answer them, first ask me, Eidler, Myth, and many others here how many years we have been doing this. One teacher was a sucker...., ugh, a respected person and still is)))

Oh, so you're a freelance scrubber surgeon? I thought you were a respectable man - sad...

I mean about now.

Thank you.

Well if you mean now - you can look at the history of the chart - the page is up and the price is down
Nikolai Romanovskyi:
No sir, a couple or three in total)) and not catastrophic for me
and here we were foolish to think you sold your third flat with a mortgage

this is theoretically possible - you have to have a faster channel to good sources and outpace the DC -

but DT would incur losses - he would not be allowed to earn 600K - the spread would be widened or cut off altogether

But the company where he earned is positioned as ECN that does not have a conflict of interests - the orders are matched if not with interbank orders, then with orders of brokerage companies. In general the private brokerage companies had liquidity for his 600 kopecks )))))

the fighters were reminiscing about the days gone by ...


tell me about the dickfix, eh?

he won't tell you about it... They hardly know each other - the branches are too different ))
Roman Busarov:
about who ???
i told you he wouldn't.)
Server Muradasilov:

He has sunk to the bottom, he seems to have written the last one, , he does not engage in polemics like before - he grieved at everyone, few people supported him in his research - everyone mainly trolled him )))) but in vain!

He does not change his nickname, you can find it in the Internet. PS. Maybe there are others like xrenfx - but he is the only one who wrote openly about everything.

Cool! Thanks for the link! Will read

Who called you idiots? Or was it BC?

Strange has long been known as "the grande dame of the forum".

and you keep bringing up childish insults -

You boys are a bit touchy-feely all the time... or... I dread to think...