FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 2036


Тул64... побухивать иногда надо... это полезно... желательно красное вино.. 

because that's where the...
Poisons. And it's not for me. As there is no way it can be useful. )))
I lived in Italy for three years. 3 months at a time. 10 years of my life. and wine, and saw the Pope. at his last Christmas. that kind of thing...
Anatoli Kazharski:
Poisons. And it's not for me. Because there's no way it can be useful. )))
It remains to explain it to the long-livers of the Mediterranean and the Caucasus))))
It remains to be explained to the long-livers of the Mediterranean and the Caucasus)))

It's just another myth. Don't believe it. Although... if you've already convinced yourself of it, nothing will change your mind. ))

P.S. Tell me you read it on a bottle. They'll say a lot more than that. )))

Myth 4: Drink red wine, it is great for vascular cleansing!

Pure speculation! All independent research which can be trusted, talk about the connection between atherosclerosis and alcohol, regardless of the type of drink. There are intelligent people babbling about the protective effect of polyphenols of red wine, without mentioning that the same polyphenols are abundant in tea, many fruits, greens and grapes themselves. There is no need to extract polyphenols from red wine.

The American Heart Association has also criticised a number of explanations for the cardioprotective effects attributed to red wine. They also question the argument that the antioxidants in red wine are beneficial because other antioxidants, such as vitamin E, do not reduce mortality from cardiovascular disease. The association stresses that all essential antioxidants can be obtained from plant foods.

Myth 5. Red wine increases haemoglobin.

A common misconception. It is based on the visual comparison of the colours of wine and blood. The same myth applies to pomegranates, beetroot and other crimson-red products. There is nothing in wine that can improve blood values, and when consumed in excess, alcohol can only cause pathological changes in the red blood cells and even anaemia. Here I would like to point out straight away that, in fact, we very rarely get iron deficiencies from food. Mild anaemia is more often caused by loss of blood - in women by gynaecological, in men by 'bloating' in the gastro-intestinal tract; there are many other reasons for this. As for iron, in iron-deficiency anaemia it is better to take it in heminine form (with animal food). For supplements, however, remember that excess iron is far more harmful than iron deficiency.

Myth 6: Red wine eliminates radiation.

Neither alcohol nor other substances in wine can repair DNA damaged by ionising radiation. Nor can they "remove" radionuclides. The myth is fed by a long tradition in a number of Russian professions associated with radioactive sources.


Anatoli Kazharski

Hey, brother, the trade didn't work out. go sit in "humour" and tell your tales there.


Anatoli Kazharski

Listen, brother, the trade did not work out. go sit in "humour" and tell your tales there.

Don't worry. I did it all. ;)

And this is a special for you:

Myth 11. Expensive and quality alcohol is harmless

Alcoholic poison always appears! A big misconception is that if you drink only very good vodka, very good brandy then nothing will happen to your body. Of course, I am not calling to drink surrogates - they are much worse than expensive quality drinks. But you should know that the product of ethyl alcohol processing in the body is an alcoholic poison - acetic aldehyde. It is a very heavy poison, which, in fact, leads to destruction in the body. Gradually this poison is neutralised by the liver.

According to research data of the All-Union Cardiology Scientific Center of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, alcoholic heart muscle damage is the cause of sudden death in 25-30% of cases (over 30% in people under 45 years). The heart muscle damage develops not only in patients with chronic alcoholism, but also in ordinary drinkers.

Let's get to the point, shall we?
The Greeks were on fire... Now the Germans. The theory of games in action )))
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble did not approve the new proposals of the Greek authorities, considering them insufficient,

and suggested that Greece leave the eurozone for five years. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reports this.

Германия предложила Греции выйти из еврозоны на 5 лет - ПОЛИТ.РУ
Германия предложила Греции выйти из еврозоны на 5 лет - ПОЛИТ.РУ
Министр финансов Германии Вольфганг Шойбле не одобрил новые предложения греческих властей, считая их недостаточными, и предложил Греции покинуть еврозону на пять лет. Об этом сообщает Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Минфин Германии дал негативную оценку предложениям Греции. Шойбле считает их «недостаточными для модернизации экономики страны и...

Finland is in line to leave the eurozone

even though it was foretold back in 2012.


Fixit, or Finnish exit, is Finland's exit from the monetary union. Lynn believes that the debt crisis in the eurozone will only end when one of the member states of the monetary union decides to leave it - "to break out of the vicious circle". In his view, that state will be Finland, as it is a small country with a strong economy.

Финляндия занимает очередь на выход из еврозоны
Финляндия занимает очередь на выход из еврозоны
  • 2012.07.10
Хельсинки. 10 июля. FINMARKET.RU - Один из самых авторитетных экономистов мира и нобелевский лауреат Нуриэль Рубини считает, что Финляндия начинает готовиться к выходу из еврозоны. Чиновники и бизнесмены страны подсчитывают возможные убытки от участия в программах помощи странам PIIGS и приходят к выводу, что возврат к финской марке в данных...

it's all the same:

It's all a fairy tale. Like they say, pay your debts first, then get out... there's no harm in wanting.

That's why someone wants the quid to go up.

in the short term - parity everywhere, and then we'll see.

since the new year there is a temptation to stop the floating exchange rate, but there is no way out... the exchange rate will fall below parity.