FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 2034

I might find out, but I don't think you will.)
What's so rude about it? I'm making money. It's not just money.
Why are you being so rude? I'm making money, not virtual money.

He who comes to us with a sword dies by the sword - you hear that?

I respect him - he respects you - maybe there is a reason for that - so I respect you for that too, but I have not seen your predictions come true myself - the yen - if it turns 70 in a year like you wrote - then yes, you are cool.

go to hell, read it. that's the way it is everywhere. that's the way it's going to be.

Barings Bank — Википедия
Год основания Расположение Год закрытия Barings Bank (по-русски Банк братьев Бэринг, 1762—1995) являлся старейшим торговым банком Лондона[1] до своего краха, вызванного несанкционированными действиями одного из банковских служащих в 1995 году. В 1762 году сыновья немецкого иммигранта родом из Бремена Йохана Баринга (John Baring, 1697—1748...

He who comes to us with a sword shall perish by the sword - have you heard?

I've been sitting here for years, all sorts come in, live till the third flush...

Fucking read it. That's the way it is everywhere. That's the way it will be.

OK, well, good for you, that's a bit of a shock, but read what it says:

"The trader's activities caused the bank to lose £827 million ($1.3 billion), double its equity."

1.3 yards is a spear for Deutsche.

what is their capitalisation - 100 yards ? (lazy to google).

60*100 is 6 trillion - you can't put a warrant like that on the stock exchange.

it's another thing that recently there was an article that Deutsche is on the verge - because they have a balance sheet

Analysts at Zero Hedge, who directly monitor the situation at the German bank, say bluntly that if the situation at Deutsche Bank mirrors that of Lehman Brothers, the world will only know about it when collapse is imminent and news of bankruptcy appears on the pages of all world media. In fact, the whole situation around Deutsche Bank is out of control. At the same time specialists from Zero Hedge are quite ready to reveal all underbelly of the big bank, all origins of problems, which exist at the moment. The fact is that practically all world banks' main profit item is rendering services to physical persons. But Deutsche Bank's share of profits from providing such services is extremely low. To receive high profitability the management of German bank took risk and participated in high risk transactions with stock assets. Currently, Deutsche Bank holds securities worth a total of $75 trillion. By comparison, that's 20 times Germany's GDP. As specialists say, insecurity of these assets exceeded even the volume of high-risk transactions of JP Morgan, which is estimated only at $5 trillion. All this looks particularly scary when compared with the GDP of Germany and the EU. In Germany the figure is $2.74 trillion, and in the European Union it is 9.6 trillion. This means that the amount of securities on Deutsche Bank's balance sheet exceeds the total Gross Domestic Product of the whole of the United Europe.

maybe that's what you mean.

I've been sitting here for years, all kinds of people come in, live till the third flush...

I'm on the job.


funny and stupid. i told you, i know the kitchen from the inside. why are you waving a post? well, i've got banks on my desk. since this morning. who are you?

That's it. The party's in full swing. Cut the last cucumber)
dummy, the derivatives market is 2.5 of what goes after a trillion. is there room to grow? with your multiplications?

Funny and stupid. i told you, i know the kitchen from the inside. why are you waving your posts around? i have the shoulders of banks on my desk. since this morning. and who are you?

You are funny and stupid - in one post he says that he withdrew thousands of dollars from CDs and in another that there are shoulders of banks on my table...