FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1982

If investors are afraid to invest in Russia, they will be afraid to invest in Ukraine - with constant coups there will be no one to ask...
Please, no politics, just economics and its impact on the exchange rate.
Vladimir Zubov:
Duck and the 200pp gap was accounted for, everything is much simpler).
Let's wait and see...
Vladimir Zubov:
No politics please, just economics and its impact on the exchange rate.
So it is not clear from the economic point of view... Tell me, is Ukraine insuring deposits? If so, to what extent and if there are payments on insured deposits now, after the banks are closed?
So from an economic point of view, it's not clear... Tell me, does Ukraine insure deposits? If so, to what extent and are there any payments on insured deposits now that the banks have been closed?

Yes it does, the National Bank of Ukraine does. Payouts are and will be made.

ФГВФО :: Головна сторінка
ФГВФО :: Головна сторінка
Вкладникам АТ «Дельта Банк» вже виплачено 3,4 млрд грн Вкладникам АТ «Дельта Банк» вже виплачено 3,4 млрд. грн, що складає майже 68% від першого траншу, або більше 25% від загальної гарантованої суми. Наразі виплати здійснюються за депозитними договорами, строк дії яких закінчився до 03 березня 2015 року включно та за договорами банківського...

So the referendum itself is new news, the fact of the event is played out, but there will also be the fact of the referendum's consequences.

Otherwise there would not have been a gap last Monday - the price had already taken everything into account on Friday...

Gaps are made by traders, not referendums and news.
Vladimir Zubov:
No matter how ridiculous it sounds, but Ukraine is more important to the EU in terms of investment. PS no politics.

Don't make my slippers laugh. Investing in WHAT???? The Illich bulb collective farm?

They'll steal it right away. The very next day.


the pindos have been selling treasuries. that's why the tank is growing. if the situation changes, gold is the best bet. so far, the yen is the only hope for counter-trends.

Gaps are made by the toroders, not the referendums and the news.
And warrants are made by people who are influenced by the news.
Vladimir Zubov:

Yes it does, the National Bank of Ukraine does. Payouts are and will be made.

You have a lot of interest on deposits there, that is why I am interested.

But I still do not know how much insurance they offer and how quickly people receive their money...

So what can I tell you? The pound is going down and would not buy yet I think, that's clear, what else?)
On the last fall and I thought it would go lower as it broke through 50% Fibo. It was going somewhere... But no - it went up 760 fops!!! So what makes you think we'll go to 61.8? ))