FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1763


Who is thinking about the ruble ? any thoughts ? now asc 56.345 bid 56.325 in the moment ))))

and now here's a drink to remember


I have the courage to address the traders in this thread.

Guys, if there are any professional forex traders (i.e. those who live solely from forex trading). Please write in the comments.


I have the courage to address the traders in this thread.

Guys, if there are any professional forex traders (i.e. those who live solely from forex trading). Please write in the comments, please.

Professional forex traders work in a bank and live off the salary from their work. I think so.

There are only a few others - the risk is too high and the income is unstable.


Professional forex traders work in a bank and live off the wages from their work. I think so.

There are only a few others - the risk is too high and the income is unstable.

Forex traders do not work at banks. There is no need for them there, but analysts, even whole analytical departments, that's true. Forex traders :) work for themselves and live on it.
Server Muradasilov:
Forex traders do not work for banks - they are useless there, but analysts, even whole analytical departments do. Forex traders :) work for themselves and live on it.
What makes you think so? Forex is an inter-bank currency exchange system, how come banks do not have traders?
What makes you think that? Forex is an inter-bank currency exchange system, how come banks have no traders?
You have already answered yourself - an interbank foreign exchange system, almost everywhere programs do everything. Banks earn on everything, but not through forex traders. Maybe they are just isolated cases. Why work for a salary - when you can "make money" yourself. And they can give you a real prison sentence for sinking bank money, who needs it?
Maybe I didn't put it quite right... I mean private forex traders - who do not work for a bank but for themselves - at their own risk - with their own money.
Maybe I didn't put it quite right... I mean private forex traders - who do not work for a bank, but for themselves - at their own risk - with their own money.
Everyone works for himself with his own money. Why do you want to know how many traders work in the black on this forum?
Server Muradasilov:
You have already answered yourself - the interbank foreign exchange system, programs do everything almost everywhere. Banks make money on everything, but not through forex traders. Maybe they are just isolated cases. Why work for paychecks when you can "make money" yourself. And they can give a real prison sentence for sinking bank money, because they do not need it.
Banks have traders, but their job is to benefit the bank by carrying out sales operations with customers, usually legal entities. They are intraday traders who collect currency for the client at the most favourable prices for the bank.
Maybe I did not express myself correctly ... I mean private forex traders - who do not work for a bank, but for themselves - at their own risk - with their own money.

Again, you need a monthly salary to live on. If it is 50,000 roubles a month, you need a million roubles in your account. With this amount one can trade with moderate risks. All the rest is risk - runaway deposits.

1. If they do not have such an amount, they will have to pay it back.

2. Not everyone dares to deposit such an amount on one account, with one broker.

3. most importantly, it is a constant headache with the family, in any case, you will be a pain in the neck - you will earn money, less time for the family, you will lose even worse (everyone will have a nervous breakdown).

As a matter of fact, a very small percentage of traders live by trading. We all mainly try (dream) to increase the deposit, and then according to the script.