FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1745

Roman Busarov:

tell me, uncle, before the eu drop? tell me now, not retrospectively) or don't tell me you knew on Friday.)

where's the audu tp?
What am I, a clairvoyant?) Sunday said you could buy it this week and when they get tired of buying it I don't know.

tell me, uncle, before the eu drop? tell me now, not retrospectively) or don't tell me you knew on friday.)

it's not up to me to answer. it's up to the people in my chat room.

tell me, uncle, before the eu drop? tell me now, not retrospectively) or don't tell me you knew on friday.)

Zogman, if things don't work out or you don't understand something, it's always because of you.
Roman Busarov:
I'm not the one who'll answer. I'm the one who's chatting with me.
be honest then and don't retrospectively say you knew everything - it's a cheap show-off - not to say your right of course
be honest then and don't retrospectively say you knew - it's a cheap shot - not to say your right of course

Once again, I will not be the one to answer. I will ask people for screenshots. and a clipping from the chat room with the levels that worked.

like this


or the trend continuation point of the daily

I'm two pips short.

Zogman, if things don't work out for you or you don't understand something, it's always because of you.

I'm flattered, old one, that you're addressing me personally,

you know, when I was a kid I had bookshelves in my room - I didn't read them all, but some just stared at me with their covers,

and something was just lying there, one of them had writing on it:

... Everest's first conqueror,

Tenzig says: "... Everest teaches me, 'Be great and help others become great... Be a man with a great spirit! Help others become like that!" This is what I have learned and what all people should learn from the Great Goddess Jomolungma (Everest)..." "Friends are as important as the feat." Further, that joint effort is the only key to success; selfishness makes one small. And another lesson: "No man, in the mountains or anywhere else, can expect more from others than he gives himself".


want to... go back...

Yes and the terminal has started to hang again (to the movement...)


I'm flattered, old one, that you're addressing me personally,

you know, when I was a kid I had bookshelves in my room - I didn't read them all, but some just stared at me with their covers,

and something was just lying there, one of them had writing on it:

... Everest's first conqueror,

Tenzig says: ". Everest teaches me: "Be great and help others become great ... Be a man with a great spirit! Help others become like that!" This is what I have learned and what all people should learn from the Great Goddess Jomolungma (Everest)..." "Friends are as important as the feat." Further, that joint effort is the only key to success; selfishness makes one small. And another lesson: "No man, in the mountains or anywhere else, can expectmore from others than he gives himself".

these are the key words. You've been told for a month what to watch and where to watch, how to smoke and so on... (If you want freebies, this will not happen. Neither me nor the old, nor the thick and a couple of people will give you a break on this topic until you learn to understand the principle of building these or other conclusions.

For the old one, it was enough for him to get into it. But he got in on his own and didn't ask what's with what and for what. He simply studied the subject for half a year ( nailed his own).