FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1741

Anatoli Kazharski:
So I've got him on the chart. ))
send me a screenshot =) I'll take a look =)
Anatoli Kazharski:

Download all the reports and put all the levels on the chart. See what happens at expiry and a lot more when you analyse the figures in the report in more depth (charts can be plotted).

That's the only good tip I can give you, since you are so persistent. )

Roman Busarov:
send me a screenshot =) I'll take a look =)
Yeah, it's the same as page. But I'm mainly focused on the visualization of the data from the report in Excel. It's good enough for me now. )
Anatoli Kazharski:

Download all the reports and put all the levels on the chart. See what happens at expiry and a lot more when you analyse the figures in the report in more depth (charts can be plotted).

That's the only good tip I can give you, since you are so persistent. )

It's chinese for them, but to speculate about mm and other muiness is yes, and to think, it's already oooooooo....)

Here is a summary:CME Daily Reports >>>.

Everything else has already been told what to do. No one else will do it but yourself. So get ready to spend a lot of time on it. ))

Ежедневные отчёты биржи CME — ProfiTraders Wiki
Ежедневные отчёты биржи CME — ProfiTraders Wiki
Предварительные (preliminary) отчёты биржи CME (daily bulletin) выходят каждый день (кроме воскресенья и понедельника) утром в 7.45−8.40 по московскому времени (иногда бывают задержки). Финальные отчёты (final) выходят обычно в течение 1-го часа американской сессии. Отчёты содержат сведения по торгам на фьючерсном и опционном рынке за...
For them it's chinese literacy, it's to speculate about mm and other muiness - yes, but to think, it's already oooooooo....)
They don't want to work. Lazy people.))
It's chinese for them, but to rant about mm and other muiness is yes, but to think, that's oooooooo....)
no way =) let's rant =))))
Write a book, smart guys - you'll make money - not all of you should be losing money on forex ))))))))))
write a book, smart guys - it will work - not everyone is a forester ))))))))))
another one =) all long written and read, reread and modernised by reading something else =)
Roman Busarov:
another one =) all long written and read =)
if you put Gandalf on the cover, it would sell well.)