FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1475

I can safely take my 1.5% from the opening of europe - in 3-4 hours )))))) (i took that pullback - small)
whatever you want, but it's all the same whether it's the kiwi, the euro or the pound...
you know where he's from? - )))))) (under the snack)

it's not very sweet there now and the plans are bad and not dependent on tam... don't even want to discuss....

we should plant while we can...

If you want, the kiwi, the euro, the pound - it's all the same...
The same thing is clear, but if you have your own currency pair (EUR, USD), you can tell right away if it is good or not! (a pullback has gone wrong and I immediately notice it - purely as a reflex! For the last 6 years every day until 23.00 o'clock at the latest)
One and the same is clear, but a traded pair (eur, yen) - you can immediately see what is normal or not! (if the pullback is wrong and you immediately notice it - purely as a reflex! For the last 6 years every day until 23.00 o'clock at least)

But the yen, and the euro - in different directions, and preferably without the commodity....

So it's better to trade a single pair.


Bought some Euros at a speculative price )))


Bought some Euros at a speculative price )))

eavesdropping? (where are the lower bai?)
eavesdropping? (where are the lower bai?)
Are we in love with the same broad to tell each other everything? )))

But the yen, and the euro - in different directions, and preferably without the commodity....

So it's better to trade one pair or the other.

I know, I do not open shorts on the yen (I do not open a sell position, only buy and neutral).
Are we in love with the same woman to tell each other everything? )))
you mean the eureka woman? (are you suggesting a pound?)
do you mean the pound? (are you suggesting a pound? )
I don't discuss poses at all with pounders )))