FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1474

Daniil Stolnikov:
Come on. Let's invert.

You know, I don't have the guts to buy the eu to 1.13 - I'm staying in neutral. (it's evening... maybe 13 will be a decent pullback)))))

dop. stop predicting! let's go get some money! (because it is lying underfoot).


You know, I don't have the guts to buy the eu to 1.13 - I'm staying in neutral. (it's evening... maybe 13 will be a decent pullback)))))

dop. stop predicting! let's go get some money! (because it is lying underfoot)

tomorrow is also a news day... starts in the middle of the night...
tomorrow is also a news day... will start in the middle of the night...
Yen will fall slowly to 1.16. (80% of success - price support technique)
Yen will fall slowly to 1.16. (80% of success is the price support technique)
where is the kiwi - it will go first, right? //or is it or is it? )))
Where's the kiwi going - it's the first to go, isn't it?

she turned around a long time ago ))))

Where's the kiwi going - it's the first to burst, isn't it? // or is it or is it? )))
he's the old one! where is he ? ((( (no one to kick, only schoolboys)

she turned around a long time ago ))))

well, then what are you afraid of on the eurik while the pullback is still in progress? // our forecasts are the same +/-... I'm just not voicing it...
He's that old! That's where he is? ((( (no one to kick, only schoolboys)
in the vegetable garden... digging beds for snacks....
well, then what are you afraid of on the eurik while the pullback is still in progress? // our forecasts are the same +/-...
I can safely take my 1.5% from the opening of the euro - in 3-4 hours )))))) (i took this pullback - small)
in the vegetable garden... digging beds for snacks....
do you know where he's from? - there they come and clean up )))))) (under the snack)