FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1401

sure )
but already so )

When the price goes down there will probably be a hook )

Thanks !

yeah, it's not stable... I'll have to see what's going on this weekend...

see what they say... should try to adjust the indicator according to these recommendations - like a forecast for the year...

Когда изменится динамика рынка? Прогнозные точки на 2006 и 2007 год. АТ.Трейдинг. AlterTrader Research Ltd.
В статье предложен метод прогнозирования точек усиления, замедления и смены рыночной тенденции. На основе описанного алгоритма представлен прогноз на 2006 год. Вокруг использования спектральных методов для анализа котировочных процессов постоянно идут дискуссии. Один из главных аргументов противников подобного подхода заключается в том, что...

and what does our profurcet show there ?

paid for this platform ? or a freebie?

thanks !

on the Euras volumes at 0690 are coming in...

free... fee, i mean (movie ticket for a month...)

Then all was not in vain. My evening mission accomplished to the benefit of others. )))
For nothing )))) I boozed and destroyed a bunch of extra cells storing old stereotypes and phobias in my brain ... or brain ))) What's the right way? )))

and what does our proprietor show there ?

paid for this platform ? or is it free ?

thank you !
It doesn't really drop, it just pretends )))) But that's another story ))))
One more thing )))) I read the article and I want to say - I don't give a damn about the welfare of your community!!! )))
She's not really falling down, she's just pretending ))) But that's another story ))))

The opening tomorrow will show it all...

And I sold Yen, what will the time say?


tomorrow's opening will show it all...

and I sold to Yen, what does the time say?

Buying time is indicated by the green vertical )))) The true selling time is 7 am (yellow vertical) )))


yeah, it's not stable... I'll have to see what's going on this weekend...

see what they say... i should try to set the indicator according to these recommendations - like a forecast for the year...

Reno, I'll try this indicator out of curiosity, but .... my first impression is not very good.
If you know the entry and exit points, then what's the point of using this indicator?

This proshmantovka is boring the BUs to do .

How's the trending potential ? ( if not a BU of course) .

Thank you !


Shopping time is indicated by the green vertical )))) The true selling time is 7am (yellow vertical) )))

Well, maybe we'll get some money during the night of Asians...