FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1403


you don't have to look at it much. I've been reading up on the method... it's a wave overlay. I looked at the stats. 40-50% overlap. So....

it doesn't really work here.

I read about the caterpillar (SSA) - it's not even close to the truth of forecasting....

it seems to me that the forex price does not "make noise", as commonly thought, and these forecasting methods take the way of noise elimination, but the price probes and searches for the most suitable (profitable) option.... dac that's a very different algorithm and it's there. i think the algorithm is very similar to PCB trace algorithm, like how water makes its way through...

Right ))) What difference does it make from which nested wave to which nested wave you hit and take a profit if the market is a self-similar fractal or to put it simply - our profitable trades are inversely isomorphic to the price movement )))

1.5kg of melted cheese in my head is vibrating out of tune and I can't concentrate. Definitely down to 1.069, if it breaks it will go to 1.065, it's still early to the upside.

And not everyone can look forward to tomorrow. Or rather, not only everybody can look, very few people can do it (c)


Bought a euro? ))) Sleep well ))))


And yet Nostradamus asked a very real question which remains unanswered - why does the alcohol produced by the human body not cause red blood cells to stick together? There was no hint of an answer in the post-question sheets which followed.) Enlighten us ignoramuses? What's the catch?

I wonder in what quantities and how often did Klitschko take it?

Bought a euro? ))) Sleep well ))))

maybe in the short term...

but the sales: don't go to the moon...


and on the pound it's the other way round: buy day!

You pseudo-analysts are flailing around like profanity-loving girls.

Shopping time is indicated by the green vertical )))) The true selling time is 7am (yellow vertical) )))

Exactly to the point...



he wrote about the eu and the yen mirrored )))))) (on the yen a buy position) (generally disappointing Professor he's going to flip every hour)

Already all in the bidding....

What about the charging? )