FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1001

I wish I could, but I've stalled on the positive side for now) (when will Kolyan get drunk and start pulling the price???)
and start shaking a red rag in front of the bulls? :-D
and shake a red rag in front of the bulls? :-D

The question is not modest - how can you make money on this without flea-baiting?

one positive loco after another with the same loco, I guess) a penny saved a ruble)

and eeee... that, the bulls are already ecstatic))))


The question is not modest - how can you make money on this without flea-baiting?

one positive locke after another with the same locke, as I understand it) a penny saved a ruble)

and eeee... this, the bulls are ecstatic)

Positive trades should be closed strictly in the middle, although you could just close one position and not bother with lots

The question is not modest - how can you make money on this without flea-baiting?

one positive locke after another with the same locke, as I understand it) a penny saved a ruble)

and eeee... that, the bulls are already ecstatic))))

if you know the width of the channel and where the market will go you're in the black
Super Mario whispered something and there it is - 30% in three days in the hat :-D I'm going for a smoke
I'm not sure where to close them. it makes no difference where they will be closed.
it makes no difference where to close them)))) either way the same thing will happen, no matter where. for me, they play the role of accumulating deposits on a non-swap and checking - will reinvest work better that way)
If you know the width of the channel and where the market will go, you are in the black.
The last one is farfetched and does not belong to a normal strategy.

EURUSD, first knee worked out, then up a bit...

Bought a small lot...


and I'll have two wrapped, too =)

By the way =) my gut shows a pullback in the eu at 1.1....... dibs on me... dibs on me...

we should do like on 4 by month..... let's finish this one and we should open a new branch... it's a long time to look in the past posts (=

Stop dibbling or we'll hit rock bottom before the deadline. I need that price level by Tuesday and there's already a dip

EURUSD, first knee worked out, then up a bit...

Bought a small lot...

I wouldn't rush