FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 700


No way, the market doesn't even know why it's stuck, it's stuck because we drew a trend line there

Not us,oh,))))))).


see how the trend bounces off like nothing, but the slope holds )))) (I still don't know what it is)

I've lost half of my lines... Should I adjust the pattern?


I've lost half my lines... Should I adjust the template?

Nestradamus, hi)))

He's got the euras off the template))))

So HE picked it up, wiped it off and somehow put it back in.)


Nestradamus, hi)))

HE had the euras fall out of the pattern))))

So HE picked it up, wiped it off and somehow shoved it back in)

Hi Old!!! I presented him with this template last year when it wouldn't fit. Now half of it's gone, half of it's gone...

He must have lost it, so I'm offering to restore it.

In theme ))), the flock prays and does not know that the Father is stupid ((( (out of his mind))

I've lost half my lines... Do you need a template?

you don't have one ((( , hello!

went below all the trends (((( will go up in the fall - I'll look again ))))

On topic ))), the flock prays and does not know that the Father is stupid ((((out of his mind))
Sensei, that's two different things)

You don't have those (((, hello!

went below all trends (((( is going to go up in the fall - I'll look again ))))

Here in late summer, expect a second blitzkrieg in the autumn, the quid will continue)

You don't have those (((, hello!

went below all the trending (((( will go up in the fall - I'll look again ))))

Hi Shaman! Why are there so many of them? My script only draws the ones that are within the daily range. So the chart doesn't look like a straw stack...


Hi Shaman! Why are there so many of them? My script only draws the ones that are within daylight range. So the chart doesn't look like a straw stack...

...there's a limit.