FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 765


(1)Japan is an extremely export-dependent country. If the yen is strong, the cost of goods is simply uncompetitive. That's why the Japanese periodically weaken it too.

The ruble is a different story.

(2) Shale companies are dying because of the falling oil price. The rouble has nothing to do with it at all.

The shale campaigns in the Russian Federation?

Are they owned by the Russian Federation?


Russia's oil shale campaigns?

They belong to the Russian Federation.

Where did I write about shale companies in the RF?

The states, exclusively the states.

what is of interest, specifically
Nothing in particular......... general informative topics.

The ruble is a different situation.

(2) Shale companies are dying because of the falling oil price. The rouble has nothing to do with it at all.

It may be different, but the rouble (i.e. gas exports) is not bad at all, if they collapse............. For some reason it still makes you think.

Shale campaigns in the Russian Federation?

Are they owned by the Russian Federation?

Naturally in the US, but they threaten competition in the European market............ and the fall of the rouble could make oil cheaper???(after all, Russia's oil and gas exports are decent)
Министр энергетики ОАЭ обвинил в обвале нефтяных цен страны вне ОПЕК
Министр энергетики ОАЭ обвинил в обвале нефтяных цен страны вне ОПЕК
Министр энергетики ОАЭ Сухаиль аль-Мазруи заявил, что одной из главных причин падения цен на нефть стала «безответственная» ее добыча в странах, не входящих в ОПЕК. Ранее он заявлял, что организация не будет снижать квоты на добычу нефти даже при падении цены до уровня $40 за баррель
Обама отказался считать себя проигравшим в споре с Путиным
Обама отказался считать себя проигравшим в споре с Путиным
В интервью телекомпании CNN Барак Обама вынужден был парировать заявления, что Владимир Путин, как опытный шахматист, обыгрывает и Запад, и самого американского президента. Глава Белого дома заявил, что это не так. Обама объяснил, что США и Европа ответили на действия России серией экономических санкций. «И теперь именно Путин руководит...
Naturally, in the states, but they threaten competition in the European market............ and the fall in the rouble could make oil cheaper???(after all, russia's oil and gas exports are decent)
what about japan, which already produces hydrogen engines and cars?
It may be different, but the ruble (i.e. gas exports) is not bad at all if they collapse............. somehow it all comes to mind anyway.
it is not that simple. The current crisis and oil prices are benefiting China alone. And the states need to strike a balance between oil price pressure on Russia and benefits to China.
is a subtle hint to the Saudis. The Arabs from the Emirates cannot openly oppose their OPEC allies the Saudis, which is why they say this way that low prices do not suit them.