FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 520

Well, we have only one, Ishimka, poor us, but there are them on every corner, herchiks, fullers, etc., etc.))

:-)))have heard of them))) only I don't understand


Zorich, you write in English for a lot of things that don't even translate half of them? What do you want with the rouble? Maybe 53.11. Is it worth it to go there for 40 kopecks today?

The traders are letting the rouble not trade at all, not even for hundredths of a buck....

Hello all.

What was the ruble-dollar and euro exchange rate corridor on Monday?

I'll keep an eye on it for a couple of days and compare my data.

You can talk to the Teacher, but it's dangerous for the psyche.)

Great, except that the GURS don't suggest trading on Mondays, Fridays and other days of the week)))

Fisht_1, did you take the pound?

No orders.........-selling the euro pound busy.

GBPCHF: the expected pissing off...


Hi all.

What was the corridor for the ruble against the dollar and the euro on Monday?

I'll keep an eye on it for a couple of days and compare my data.

I'm looking at it here:

I like it so far...

and I'm also looking at the bank's reaction, just for the sake of interest:

If my opinion about the yesterday's quote coincides with yours just today, do drop me a line...

Яндекс.Новости: Динамика курса USD ЦБ РФ, руб.
Котировки на Яндекс.Новостях: события, персоны, цитаты, самые обсуждаемые и горячие сюжеты. Последние новости России и Украины - автоматическое обновление каждые 10 минут.

I'm just looking at it here:

I like it so far...

and I'm also looking at the bank's reaction, just for the fun of it:

If my opinion about the trades on yesterday's quote coincide with yours just today, drop me a line, please...

i will try to post my levels in the morning during the week:

for now


I will try to post my levels in the morning during the week:

for now.

ok. interesting and kinda predictable pair.

Professore, why is your Euro so slow?)

By the way, for Ninzi, can you use that tool I told you about?