FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 418

Teacher, you can get banned for using that kind of language....
let him walk and we'll see)) (as he called us - the nerds))) )
let him walk around and we'll see ))) (as he called them - the poor))) )

So if he makes 700 out of 70 bucks, trying to make 700, then yes, he is rich.

But he is a scientist - what can you take from him))))))))))))

So if he's making 700 bucks out of 70 bucks, trying to make it, then yes, he's rich.
for how much? his whole life (a year?)

I'm worried, too. ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ((

He's going to drink beer, he's going to get lost...

he doesn't drink, strictly weed))))

That's right... a cigarette smoke.

they're chewing gum on the news...

American has strong news at 18 MSK, Canadian at the same time, and now a series of weak......blogs back and forth.
for how long? a lifetime?

Don't make fun of the professor, the man has his own issues, just like all of us.

Let's talk about the suspension and the time loop


Don't make fun of the professor, the man has his own issues, just like all of us.

Let's talk more about hanging and the time loop

hanging is a test, it's too early for a loop )))))))))))) (buy limit will be triggered any minute - and at 18 on the news, I expect a profit).
Congratulations to the current eurobucks buyers! A hairpin move is encouraging........ not ruled out preparation for a news candle at 6pm-already in the right direction.
Congratulations to the current eurobucks buyers! A hairpin move is encouraging........ not ruled out preparation for a news candle at 6pm-already in the right direction.
you're thinking! (massage works wonders)
Those with enough money to move studs-they, unlike sheep, already know the news.