FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 415

there's a lot of news on the quid. i can't decide which one is going to blow.
Yesterday I saw.......eurobucks flop waiting for........ either a spike against the buyers or a candle to the envy of the buyers.
Yesterday I saw.......eurobucks fluttering waiting for........ either a spike against the buyers or a candle to the envy of the buyers.
well, that's a shocker after all...

If you want profit in pips -
Don't just sit on the trend,
♪ but test your entries on a pullback ♪
¶¶ And watch the price ¶¶

♪ If you can do it without hope ♪
H1 with no upside.
♪ In the lotus position, soulfully ♪
In D1, get in and out.

hi there, zhen!

aha....that's it.
And I'm you have to use the same time frame to enter and exit.

thanks !

p.s. yesterday's buy closed at a stop of 9 p. I did not take it to the boo, although I had the momentum. But there was no guarantee that it wouldn't go round in that area.
I don't need a stop on a grail, but I'm in the process of developing an alarm for the eura.
When the kids were growing up, I dreamt of a diaper moisture alarm.......... now the grandkids are in nappies, so don't bother with alarms.
There's a lot of news on the quid. I can't decide which one is the hot one.
The Yaps always make moves for the news. (and the news isn't theirs - it's a bombshell)
Well, that's a bit of a turn-on...
let me see...........
Hi there, Zhenya!

aha....that's it.
I was you have to use the same time frame for entry and exit.

thanks !

p.s. yesterday's buy closed at a stop of 9 p. I did not take it to the boo, although I had the momentum. But there was no guarantee it wouldn't spiral in that area.
These transpositions of the Master's mantras into verse ))))
When the kids were growing up, I dreamt of a diaper moisture alarm.......... now my grandchildren are in nappies - fuck the alarms.
For tc, that's a big word, just an alarm.)))
let me see...........
Nah, it's weak within the flat channel........ but it draws a specific reversal..... if it were a cross, I'd believe it, but a hairpin is not excluded.
These transpositions of Guru's mantras into verse form )))
Will your technique withstand a dagonal display?