FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 393


harrier, also interesting:

18:00 MSc
Interest rate announcement
Казнь задержанного бойцами батальона Азов
Казнь задержанного бойцами батальона Азов
Рутинное убийство лежащего и закованного в наручники человека
If there are more sellers, then we're going down ?
Then the crowd is getting screwed again?

Go to hell with your politics

As a result of inflation, he will give less hay to his herd, but he will continue to milk it.

And it will not be his fault, but that of the evil bourgeois bourgeoisie, who are trying to kill beautiful Russia with sanctions.

Yes, the revenues will fall, but it was still bad super-income, which Russia, due to its own backwardness, was not able to spend more or less wisely anyway.

Bread would be provided for everyone for now. And there will be even more spectacles. Old folk pastimes would return: denunciation, dispossession and exile.

Sometimes somebody will be killed - but here eternal Russian fatalism will not fail. If they have been killed, it is the right thing to do. And the relatives of those killed will be given compensation - they can be "remembered" for a very long time.

Of course the empire will fall apart. Its existence in the modern world is akin to that of a Neanderthal colony.

You write well, you know how to write, and you seem to have experience! Isn't your real name Stephen King?

......... And now go to the next logical step - praise Ukraine and tell me how good it is now in Bulgaria and where else................. , something about the ice age (it's fashionable now, a few years of cooling happened) ......... Yes, do not forget about Vanga - that poor old woman rumbled about in Russia and the world at the moment.

Well, in general, you got me......... stop bullshitting and play the handicap, if you have brains.

Things have changed since the beginning of March and June 17, 2014, thanks to the huill
Who's that?)
Who's that?)
Maybe he's referring to himself in the third person.)
the soap operas are making a lot of noise here too...
soap operas make a lot of noise here, too...
There are all kinds of illnesses

To improve your mood, I can advise massaging the anus (and, by the way, this is no joke), because you sit a lot at the computer and probably have the threat of hemorrhoids and prostatitis....I had to experience it and know what it is.........tut not only love Russia.

So here's the deal:

Boil 500g of fresh pork belly fat, strain it and mix it with shredded adult calendula and celandine plants (roots, stems, leaves, flowers). Heat on low heat without bringing it to the boil. Let it steep for a week. Slightly warm and strain. Keep the ointment in the fridge. Put it on your index finger, massage your anus in a circular motion - 7 times in one direction, 7 times in the other and repeat it for 10 days. Then take two weeks off. You do 3-5 sessions, then take a six-month break. Then as needed.

Good luck.